
I think that's more or less how being outlawed worked in pre-invasion England. Your punishment was literally to be beyond the protection of law.

Both names are good, but I like Ithaca. That's cask-strength witch right there.

I realize now that I can actually say that I'm not. Somewhere in the last year, I tossed it carelessly into the scraggly woods where it can go start brush fires. Sure, I still look fondly back on the first time it burned my eyebrows off, and I'll run into it every so often and we'll talk about the good old days when

That's one area of life where I'm a viking!

I always liked the pacifist's version of travelling through time to kill Hitler. Instead of killing him, just buy some of his damn paintings. It'd be interesting to see what kind of person he would have been if he'd found some success. Would he have still been a virulent racist? Would he have become apolitical?

A few things, but they all come down to not cheating on or leaving (i.e. following love into another woman's arms) the woman to whom he's singing the song (and who shows up at the end to clarify the matter).

I think that the article's right about the film version's likability being solely dependent on Rick Moranis. That guy was hiding megawatts of charisma behind his character actor persona.

If you've seen the making-of featurette, you'll have seen what crazy productions a lot of those scenes were and how much they depended on forced perspective. That gigantic robotic golem-thing only really had one side. The helping hands are purely a perspective illusion. Bowie literally had a guy's arms through his

I can see now where I wasn't clear. When I was talking about attempted crimes falling between thought and action, I might have been clearer that "action" meant the "full" crime, as it were. There's intent to commit murder, which isn't a crime (though mens rea is part of a crime); there's murder, which is a crime; at

Attempted crimes are themselves crimes. This indicates that there is a state before the commission of the act that is itself considered criminal. Practically speaking, an attempted crime is probably going to be a failed one, as there isn't usually a reason to discover that the crime is being planned unless something

Practically, it'd probably be impossible to get the guy. In terms of legal theory, though, attempting to commit a crime is indeed a crime in and of itself. I'm not sure how far one has to go before that's triggered, but if this was intended to be a necessary part of a criminal plan (let's say that it's a plan to

It's a distinction, but I'm not sure that they actually wrote this down the way they would have needed to in order to make it. The sentence can be read (and I would argue would most naturally be read) as "disciplines which are commonly regarded as part of the fine arts, such as […] music". The sentence first

Depending on how you parse the syntax of the sentence, it could mean that the "fine arts" encompass every discipline that is then listed. I could use the wording of that sentence unchanged in order to convey the meaning that the disciplines listed therein were to be considered as fine arts. Indeed, without the

I remember the cocaine incident. I just didn't get how something like that could split up Steven and Ed, unless they were really on each other's nerves at that point. When you know somebody that long and you still like them, you tend to be pretty forgiving, no?

Yep, I was talking about the initial success surrounding Funeral. The Grammy was several years and two albums away at that point.

The art and writing are about on par with what I remember from my school paper, as I mentioned in a different thread. The thing is, though, that the strip in my school paper was a fucking aesthetic atrocity. Like, there's nothing offensive about this and I don't think it really reflects much of anything on Pence. I

The art is about on par with the wretched strips in the school paper from my first go at university. I think school papers usually luck out if they can get someone even barely competent at cartooning.

Now that's an obscure reference. I very, very vaguely remember that.

Ah, Kitchener. So many memories of having no idea where the fuck we were driving when we visited friends.

Today is the day that your fears are realized. New country acts draw really well around here (SW Ontario), enough to support whole festivals.