
Can I chime in as someone who wouldn't fall into that overlap? It all depends on one's definition of a "big deal", but I really don't see the alt-right as having very much influence past the present political moment. They're inherently limited in their appeal; really, how many aggrieved white supremacist tech nerds

Day of Judgement, God is calling
On their knees, the edgelords crawling

They'll both become travelling puppet shows, so you could get chummy with the other members of the audience.

Good show, sir?

This is a great example of why I'm not fond of people using courts as arbiters of truth. That's not what courts do. You can end up with legally-sound outcomes that have little to do with the actual truth of a situation. It'd be nice if this were already understood when people wade into these arguments.

It's like the vaguely fake-British skatepunk accent from California. People use it partially because it can be heard through a shitty mic over a bunch of noise. WHERE ARE YEW AND O'IM SO SAAAWRY and so forth.

Your feelings are clues. If submission makes you feel terrible, there's a reason that you feel that way. Masturbation can be something like therapy in that way, as it can sometimes bring stuff to the surface that bears examination.

I keep a pack in my shoulder bag on the assumption that I'll probably lose the one I'm using the second I put it down. They're like guitar picks (which could probably join hairties and socks in terms of things that gremlins love to steal).

I remember this person on my FB friendslist who suddenly appeared to have fervently assumed this very specific right-wing political consciousness. More specifically, she was anti-feminist and anti-"cultural Marxism". I remember that there was a potentially telling comment she made at some point about feminism

That's a great point. It's hard to remember sometimes that a lot of guys might not have seriously confronted the possibility of their own vulnerability to sexual assault. It's all jokes and bravado in public. I don't know how many people sit down and genuinely put themselves into a scenario of sexual assault to

There's a possible exception to that, though, in the form of anxiety disorders. Anxiety disorders cause people to worry about all sorts of things that will never happen and that don't have any reason to happen. Now, as someone who experiences anxiety over different improbable things (am I definitely going to end up

The system isn't soft so much as it's incapable, if that makes sense. Rape is a legal paradox. It's a crime where the actus reus is real but intangible. The current legal system is always going to have to overcome extra hurdles in rape cases just by their nature, and most of the options for bypassing said hurdles

Yeah, it only sort of barely fits into the classic definition (i.e. something non-sexual in which one invests sexuality) if you stretch. Otherwise, it's just a preference for a different kind of friction.

I think one would see a significant difference in motivations between people who deny rape online and people who deny it if it comes up in their daily lives (like if a friend or a family member or something gets accused). I'm not usually sure what people get out of it online in most cases, but when someone they know

What a strange letter that last one was. What was the point of those background details?

The first two are indeed about the same topic, but I included them both because they have different ancillary information. All of the first three acknowledge that it is only a possibility, something that can be neither ruled out or confirmed without further evidence that may well not exist. In any case, depicting

I haven't seen any examples of potential Neanderthal cave art that would be anything like the art in the comic, but I just had a glance and found some articles with strong evidence in favour of Neanderthals producing some simpler cave art:

Reside In Purgatory?

I've always thought that the thing to do with a million dollar windfall would be to go settle down in New Brunswick. You could use it as a base for your projects and live comfortably without income for a good long time, and you'd get to do it in New Brunswick. Emigrate to the Maritimes and live like a queen, Ms.

*Power Girl's chiropractor wakes up in the middle of the night and doesn't know why*