I want my Pong movie!
I want my Pong movie!
"We'll sell it to the Indians!"
Weird. I've stared at it for five minutes and it still hasn't break danced.
@laylowmoe: As a Malaysian I am disappointed too with this. I knew that thing's a manmade one when I frst saw it, but I thought since it got Malaysia in its name, the creator is probably a local too!
"Valve didn't make it."
I bought a copy of Blizzard's art book "the Art of Warcraft" a while back. Read through it and saw the game being referenced, and wondered, "where the hell is the game?"
I tried to empathize with my boss, so I yawned a lot when he talked to me about my project.
@HeartBurnKid: Agent of R.O.A.C.H.: Try reinstalling it and unlocking all the stuff again. Sometimes it helps.
@shichi: AKA Gambol.
Ask a Japanese company to make an anime about a game that itself has a Asari-Hanar tentacle porn game? I mean, what could go possibly wrong?
@Tiller: Somebody's been reading Cracked...
I prefer her in flesh and bone, especially with my own flesh inside her.
@Spatchmo: IMHO, burrglars do things undercover i.e. broke a house in the middle of the night, trying not to wake anyone while stealing stuff up.
@gigawings: What average men would have only one, Chtulhu would have lots....
@The MSJ: I'm pretty sure there's some flavours of Filipina in there somewhere...
@dupes4life: That was funny as fuck.
I thought that screenshot is from Episode II.
@KingKellogg the Waffle Haggler: FPS, Sandbox RPG, Strategy, Racing, Fighting and the like....although any game that is good is also okay.