Sodas and Fries

It's not that Davos controls his emotions better, or that Danny is somehow more heroic because his boils over (because when has anyone during this season said that Danny is a great Iron Fist for his impetuousness?) - it's just that he's not at the stage where his rage is manifesting as much outwardly. But it's

He tries to rationalise it by saying that he's protecting K'un L'un by fighting the Hand in New York, but I think Davos gives him a deserved wake up call on that self delusion

Fingers crossed!

Harold, Ward and Joy are all white?
The Hand is definitely more diverse than it was in Daredevil season 2.

I've felt the music choices in general have been anachronistic; modern and urban played up against old tropes. I only got the music piece here showed calm more than mysticism, but that's just me - I could tell it was electronic music and so chalked it up with the other choices. Could have easily thrown the intro of


Tumblr is one frontier I've luckily avoided. I can do without that in my life, haha.

Hah, it can be a bit like that.

Bye Tammy!

You're chosen to go challenge the dragon. You're not meant to waltz in whenever you want because Shao-Lao needs to be reborn, leaving a specific window - which is why they choose the best-of-the-best to try and get a night light mit.

Jibe turkey

This was one episode where bad writing really stood out to me. The way Danny refers to his power as "the fist", it's just such poorly written dialogue. I doubt anyone could sell those clunkers.

Danny had a few verbal outbursts during the span of the series which signaled rage issues, I felt. Also his general impetuousness and desire for vengeance over deliberation at multiple points.

I do remember him doing it; whether it was with Claire around I don't think so.

Oh, there was definitely an overlap of the two going on. Trust me, I read the

From a visual standpoint I think it's great. It's clever to me how the trails made by the fighter mimic calligraphy ink brush strokes.

We've got Baby Groot™ and now we have got Moody Teenager Iron Fist™

"Did anyone see the movie Tron…?"


I am the Iron Fist, protector of K'un L'un, etc etc
While his repeating this seems to annoy some people, I find it interesting that at points he says it at points of flux/confusion just to stop him from short circuiting.