Sodas and Fries

That's why I said majority. ;)
Episodes of such quality were sadly becoming more and more rare as the seasons progressed.

I dunno, I think there's something to be said for patience and letting a story be told.

By what he's said in interviews, Marvel really didn't give him much time to bulk up or train. I believe he said he had about 3 weeks before they began to shoot.

*Buffy seasons 1-3
The less said about the majority of the later seasons, the better

Current AoS really couldn't be more different to early-mid Season 1 AoS. It's a very confident and well structured show these days.

It should be noted that was after his second death though. Not sure he had much genuine humanity left

I thought Davos stood out pretty well. I know he only makes his full villain turn right at the end but I thought his arc was written and executed well, and it leaves me looking forward to seeing him pop up again.

I wouldn't say it failed in so much they left it as a hanging plot point.

Our generation are products of broken homes, what do you expect DAD?!?

Yeah, it's easy to forget they were called The Order of the Crane Mother - and the fact they were named as such feels very deliberate, though at this point that only has a significance to comic book fans. Interesting thing to keep in mind though and it does explain a lot… *smokes bubble pipe*

It's OK? Ugh but then there's the Snyder slo-mo and Cyborg looks meh and whatever. It's OK.

I can't stop laughing at this

All fair points, the final confrontation was very lacking. But the question was about why Harold was so much trouble on paper, so there it was.
It would have been nice if he continued to fight after being impaled, maybe even shown to take a chi punch and keep going or something.

I think it's an okay show and I believe some people are being over-critical of it, which seems logically sound to me.

Harold has enhanced strength (remember he's shown to be able to burst his punching bag) and is relatively immortal, besides a beheading, so it's not like he was a baseline human. And of course he also had a gun.
However the final confrontation was a bit silly in that Danny gets the jump on him and runs off again, with

Stop looking at me, swan!
- Adam Sandler (9 September 1966 - present, sadly)

It's on Wii U also so if you happen to have one of those, could save you some $$. But by all accounts BotW is an easy early contender for game of the year.

Finn Jones has said himself that Iron Fist season 1 is Danny as an adolescent, so to speak, and that Defenders is more him coming into his own. So I think (and hope) we'll be seeing the character be a lot more sure of himself when that rolls around.

It does, it's touched on later.

All I can say is there's still more to be revealed