Sodas and Fries


Right, citing a TV show about martial artists with weird fantastical powers protecting one realm from another, what on earth was I thinking? :P
That was really besides the point.

I guess? On the other hand it wasn't hard to conclude why he was freaking out. I never really noted his reaction as being out of place or any less than what he should be experiencing; then again I have little idea of how an ideal panic attack should look like.
heh, ideal panic attack.

Now I just have this image of Cage's letter having dicks drawn in the margins like a kid's schoolbook.

The degrees of how much it missed the mark or how compelling it is/isn't is at the end of the day pretty much your opinion, which is fine. I believe there actually are a few things compelling about the show but believe me I am aware of it's overall failings also.

Heh. "Why are you following through on your main character having traumatic experiences?!"
The writers can't win.

Danny engaging in some spontaneous regression therapy with Claire for the express purpose of showing us a flashback we've seen a dozen times already

No, not even close. It's not perfect, but we're not talking quality below any CW DC show either.

It was never meant to be or going to be a show purely about fights though. What they were going for needed someone with emotional range. The fact they missed the mark regardless isn't all Finn's fault, the writing is pretty erratic at points.

There's irrational or not-so-irrational fears and anxieties, and then there's actual PTSD.

So episode 6 got a C+ and this got a B? Fair enough.

He's a great martial artist/stunt guy, but I don't think his acting ability could have carried a show. And under these writers, he would have fared worse than Finn.

Bakuto and Davos?.

When Finn is doing Danny's lines, it seems he's focused on a certain sort of… stiltedness when speaking. Like he has a very rudimentary and proper vocabulary with minimal contractions. I hope he loosens up his speech patterns in Defenders.

Finn seems to play off best with more experienced actors. A lot of his scenes with Rosario Dawson and Carrie-Anne Moss come off well. He's fine with Henwick also but the writers just give him some terrible lines when they're arguing…


UTI's are serious business.

Honestly, I thought the animated chalkboard sequence was a lot more inventive than the silent-film portion. But hey, it was all great.


Give it time. Hopefully it'll be sooner rather than later.