Sodas and Fries

Not ashamed to say that I am not that picky

I think that interpretation is all on you, dude. I don't think he was gloating about how balls-to-the-wall rushed the production was, or how little time they left him to train.

I think it's the latter. There's some parts he really nails, but I think in others the writing fails him a bit.

You're this heated just because he talks about a season 2? I don't think it should be any surprise that a company like Marvel plans ahead - they've been talking up future films like Infinity War for years now.

I don't know whether to laugh or cry that there can't be any strong bonds between two males in fiction these days without it becoming slash fiction fodder

I don't care where she shops, it totally worked for me ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° )

I get what you're saying but I'm sure it'd become a picking point if Claire remained completely helpless 4 seasons into being a part of the Netflix MU.

It kind of picks up again from there


Meh. I did like his "Shh… it couple" line. Why spit on the mic though? Other people have to use that Cena! gross

Usos vs. American Alpha was a Wrestlemania quality tag match. That deserved to be on the card more than whatever RAW's terribly booked Tag match will become.

Jones comes alive when the writing is good, especially when it's regarding the character's humanity. Parts like him finding his old stickers in this episode, or having his life's wants questioned and stripped back when paired with Rosario Dawson; but he's also hampered often by the fact there's so much going on with

Tan is a better fighter for sure, he has training, but his actual acting leaves a lot to be desired

One of the stickers was fucking Orrgo!

Fair point. I wish they did stick with that to a degree, but I'm just going by what they've gone with in the show.

I have to disagree
in the later episodes it felt pretty explicitly made, especially in his talks with Claire who brings it up directly, with Colleen after she falls out of the Hand, and in his talk with Davos about how empty he felt after becoming the Iron Fist

True, true. I did like the twist on how she fought, and it's not like she can't be brought back if they ever do a proper look at the Immortal Weapons.

The hand has different fingers, so to speak.

C+ is such a lowball for what's one of the more fun episodes of the season (the episode the harsh preview critics pointed out as one of the better ones, at that).
I mean, Scythe gets introduced while killing and singing A-Ha - how can you beat that?

Can't say I noticed, I'm just like "Yup, everything looks good"