Sodas and Fries

Not sure what people expect from a character who lost his parents in a traumatic plane crash.

For starters, there have been many ways Buddhist philosophy has been applied in history.

How do you know it's not all part same training? Martial arts aren't just about the techniques to kick people or even "punch magic", they're also philosophies and ways of life.

Well I'm only up to episode 10 but I can already answer a few of them for you:

They should honestly make me showrunner tbh

All I can say is that a great deal of your questions do get answered.

A big reason why I feel a few of the early preview reviews were informed by the race/casting drama surrounding the show.

Well to be fair to the writers in this case her reaction to the news he bought the building isn't exactly an "aw, shucks!", so it hammers that he's still got a lot to learn.

I liked this episode a bit, after episode 4 it continued the feeling that everything was beginning to click. Danny's portrayal felt cohesive for the most part - the playful showing off between him and Colleen was cute (with him notably singing her praises as a martial artist, as opposed to what some preview reviews

Saints preserve me, I'm siding with Lupula here. Give me a raucous crowd over a dead one, any day.

Way to book your RAW tag champs, WWE. A+, just top notch stuff.

Spoiler: It's the world's largest jello mold.

I haven't seen the whole season but it's pretty obvious he left that society for a reason and has to a degree, rejected it.

Don't get me wrong, I thought it was pretty strong and the Punisher and Kingpin and even Elektra to a degree were done well. It just all blurred a bit into each other for me at the end. Plus I wish Punisher was actually part of the final confrontation, rather than just making a couple of potshots from a rooftop.

Pretty much. But to have elements like compassion still within him, that's not entirely a bad thing for him as a person.

Aw, there's a good season in there if they cut about a quarter of it away. It's the fighting wave after wave of ninja which got monotonous and let me down in the end there.

It's the trauma part of my post which inferred the arrested development. Being in a different culture just changes ones ideas of societal norms, which I've also seen people have umbrage over (such as him not having shoes in Ep1).

He has PTSD issues and a bit of arrested development from losing his parents and being away from western society. I do think the show has him be a bit too naive sometimes, but that'd all kind of do it.

It's the Daredevil season 2 team, so for the most part, yes. Hopefully they learned from how the back end of that faltered.

I'm just starting episode 10 now! *braces self*