Sodas and Fries

I believe she wanted to get a look at once of the sources of her persecution up close. I don't think it's any different than people who went to Trump rallies to try and understand the strange cult of personality that went on there. I don't think anyone could have expected what happened at this talk at the time.

I'm not caught on the wrong thing at all. You're still insisting Nazism is something which should be tolerated, until they fire the 'first' shot (despite the fact they already did that, with the whole World War II and the holocaust and stuff).

No, I fully understood your wording, and I think it's an incredibly simplistic view.
It should be mentioned the university in question was asked and petitioned not to have him talk before the fact, for that very reason - and nothing was done.


Those Daddarios though

No, protesting is people saying "we don't want you here", loud and clear.
Again, that example where a transgender was named and shamed at one of his talks to a crowd of people was before the recent protests. And again I'll ask - how does someone targeted by him at one of his talks "ignore" that, exactly? How does

"The comparison was supposed to end at it being something a lot of people hate and thinking it's okay to punch them because of it. That's it."

Okay, so how do you stop people who already intend to show up to his event?


Only today's?

You're right, "to be forewarned is to be forearmed" was what I was looking for.

You're not familiar with the idiom "better the devil you know than the devil you don't'"?

Fabricated? He's said as such in post-punching interviews and on his own Twitter. He said on Periscope:
"“I’m afraid this is going to become the meme to end all memes. That I’m going to hate watching this.”

Stop giving this clown airtime.

There is a very basic subtext to your off base comparisons that you can try and sidestep around by saying "that's not what I literally said, that's what you said", but again, that doesn't mean they're not present. Either you're trolling or you're completely oblivious to it, I have no idea.

"Which did what?"
It showed him there was consequences for his hate speech; that he can't go out there and spew his vileness with impunity, hiding behind the convenience that people are meant to be "tolerant" so he can take advantage of said tolerance. That's how they operate, if it wasn't already clear.

That may work on a micro scale but a macro one? No. A troll will find someone else to abuse.

This just in: racist trolls spin events to make them look like the aggrieved. Someone hasn't read Eclipse of Reason, I take it.

Easy fodder? You could play 4 dimensional chess with them and be as highbrow as jesus christ himself and they'll still do/say/spin anything to demonize you. They're trolls.

Saying "don't let your imagination assume" before or after you make your point doesn't absolve it of being a bad one.
To say "they are both ideologies that result in a lot of angry people" is like trying to tie Adam Sandler films and terrorism together to make a point, under the guise of "these are both things that