Sodas and Fries

You made a direct comparison between the two things, don't be obtuse.

yes, believing in the extermination of other races is on the same level of having a differing opinion about things.

We take all innovations, methodologies, inventions, etc for granted, no matter where they're from. There is *no* disadvantage to white people or white culture, and the idea that one of the most prominent cultures in the entire world is all of a sudden somehow in danger of dying out a ridiculous smokescreen for white

nazism and feminism are comparable beliefs, you heard it here first

Yes I also recall how Nazis were defeated in WW2 with hugs and understanding

or seen an American

Look, a dilapidated tag team roster!

"AV Club staffers seem to be pretty hard marks for everything WWE's selling at this point"



I didn't know I needed some Quack until I saw this episode.

I haven't seen much of the game but the scene in the garage is inspired and I'm impressed at the different ways you can approach it and how it changes.


That was my thought, but blue hair is still a thing so who knows.

Well, depends on your tastes. I think iZombie is one of the best comic book shows out there and I did love Flash but that began to slip in quality. Agents of SHIELD did that in reverse and went from so-so to pretty decent. And then of course there's the Netflix shows.
So, something for everyone really.

Final Fantasy XIII had a story!?

We are Aerith

Me reflecting on the storyline of FF7 in 1997: I don't even understand what's going on in the Honeybee Inn
Me reflecting on the storyline of FF7 in 2007: in hindsight of 9/11 a story revolving around "good" terrorists seems a bit problematic
Me reflecting on the storyline of FF7 in 2017: welp only Donald Trump could

Joe won't lose.
