Sodas and Fries

First (and likely last) time I'll agree with you. The funny thing is that Cena's even seguing somewhat into his thuganomics manner of speaking, dropping out words to street up his promo, etc. It's subtle but interesting.

Eh, Smackdown deserves to have at least one Women's match on the card.

The funny thing is that Randy being with the Wyatt's I feel revitalised everyone involved.

Me-yow. So savage~

Naomi has been absent a few months without a given reason and came back with the same amount of attention; it's a rare lack of foresight/detail for SD. Before she left she was getting decent reactions though.

What's the use of captioning pictures of John Cena when you can't see him :(

Line of the night was on 205 Live (which was a good show in itself) -
Mauro: "Perkings looking to clean Nese's coc- clock!"

He was a dark horse out of the final 4 but a deserving winner nonetheless, I definitely don't recall people complaining as far as I saw. He also had the dubious task of being the first champion as WWE tried to find their footing booking the division, something they're arguably getting better at but still haven't quite

Triggered blue pilled beta snowflake cucks! Sad!

What do you have against Perkins? No way that's going to happen to their first Cruiserweight champion of the new era.

Lol what's with the C- community grade

I just don't like the Funko POP aesthetic. There are far better vinyl toy designs out there.

In a way, I can't fault him for being less precious and more free about what he does. On the other hand, his output has been pretty poor. Happy he's been getting work with the DC TV shows though. Just toke less, lunchbox.

I think Nia Jax's squash opponent was Ray Lyn, rather than Rey Linn.

By definition to mirror and subvert something means to reference the original material in different manners. I make a distinction between those kinds of callbacks and references, and recycling.

Believe it or not 'history repeating itself' and 'sins of the father' are acceptable narrative themes, and there was a point to the how the story mirrored, subverted and inverted previous themes (aka, not a rehash). You don't need to have faith in the next film but objectively you're kneejerking just at the title

Wow, that was almost too easy.

OMG right? As if so much could happen in the span of 30 years, pfffft!

I will take to carrier pigeon right away

And yet there's a lot for science to prove and disprove.
To write off spirituality, the cornerstone of many cultures beyond Christians (mexicans, Māori, Aboriginies) as "childishness" and "sorcery" is pretty arrogant for someone who doesn't have the answers themselves. For someone who I imagine would like to be the