Sodas and Fries

A bit of a false equivalence, as that's clearly something tangible you can test and prove or disprove with enough flour and butter.

It was to test the waters, I believe.


Maybe Trump can get a Golden Exit: he can have everyone piss on him as he gets the flock out of the white house

It's more Poochie than Poochie

"which includes animal-loving sniper Adele Wolff (Ruby Rose)"

Such a good, fun episode. I was watching it and everything just felt right. I know AoS has been solid for a few seasons now but this was the first time I actually thought to myself "this show has really found it's groove".

This looks so bad it could be a DC film

Yes and now Johnny Depp is free to fully devote time honing his craft on such films as Mortdeai and Yoga Hosers

My thoughts on this series: No

Persona definitely errs on the side of good anime bullshit, at that.

Becky Lynch would have noticed her far ahead of time that way.

That was about 50 words more than needed but thank you for acknowledging my superior knowledge <3

You know what they say, even a broken clock is right twice a day.
So your two times will inevitably come, make the most of it when it happens~

Haven't heard that about Emmalina at all. Not sure if I believe that rumour, just sounds like fans drawing conspiracy conclusions as they do. If it were true though, would I be surprised? Hmm…

Nese has actually been getting some wins in, which has been good to see. Swann, Gallagher and Alexander are getting good reactions, Neville is doing nuclear heel work, and I think Dar is even getting over. He is a bad actor, but there's something fun about it all regardless.

It probably was a bit dead, I just didn't notice.
I did think the crowd was decent for 205 Live for once, though!

Didn't you say Nikki Bella was going to start feuding with Alexa for the belt like 2 months ago now? And then Nikki went into a program with Natalia (which she's still pretty entrenched in) and Becky is still solidly feuding with Alexa.

Dolph Ziggler was the one who had his multiple elbow drop combination called the "heart-stopper", it's not like this came out of nowhere.

I only really thought the crowd was underwhelming during the La Luchadora reveal, but like the review I was wondering if people could even clearly see who it was through the chain link cage.