Sodas and Fries

I honestly didn't notice the crowd being lackluster this Smackdown. Sure, they weren't nuclear hot but I didn't think it was ripe conditions to hear a pin drop or anything. Regardless, a decent Smackdown. Good to see Mickie James on the main roster again, I think Becky will benefit from having a seasoned vet to mix it

A post
Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury,
Signifying nothing.

You clearly have little to no understanding of mental illnesses at all. It's quite apparent because you have to resort to ad hominem styled attacks in frustration in lieu of anything resembling an intellectual discussion. That or you're just a troll. If you're not a troll, try to quit posting like a child and actually

Ah, you lost me there

Agreed, I thought she was great as the crazy popcorn throwing JBL-hat-stealing heel.

Only when Sasha Banks is wearing cutoff shorts.

No WPCW and World of Sport wrestling.

I could watch Gallows call people nerds for the full length of RAW tbh

It was pretty mixed.

You guize should check out his tag team work with Trent Seven as Moustache Mountain. Very fun stuff.

This has been two weeks in a row now that Charlotte for some reason or another has had a promo go down like a lead weight.


Mental disability? Ironically, many of those who commit suicide have a mental illness.
Your personal experiences are just those, yours. They're not a standard to generalise everyone else who struggles with depression, anxiety, bi-polar disorders, etc - because every case is different. You'd mind well to remember that

I just caught up on this season in a near binge viewing. It was oooooooooooookay. Like a 6.5, maybe even a 7. I think Outcast did it better, but this was still fun to watch at least. It just felt a bit more… generic, than the source material. Hard to explain. But I didn't even expect this series to be so strongly tied

You do know that the big bang theory is credited to Georges Lemaître, who was both a professor of physics and a Belgian Roman-Catholic priest, right? One of the cornerstones of how we understand the universe, cooked up by someone who also believed in "magic and sorcery".

Factually incorrect.
The book “Encyclopedia of Wars,” will tell you that from a list of 1763 wars, only 123 have been classified to involve a religious cause; and that those accounting for less than 2 percent of all people killed in warfare.


I've been waiting for Below ever since it was announced. I love all that Capy do and I'll champion Superbrothers: Sword & Sworcery to my grave.

What are you seeing that I'm not