
I dont need to do anything.

Stop being such a fucking garbage-person.

I do see a death penalty on the horizon.

People like this is why came from Europe hates and bred us.

Great article, and great points.

Well you’ll have to bring up your complaint with Zach Lowe and the members of the GSW staff who were actually concerned that those two defensive sieves were gonna be out

The poke was: “I think I’m tough but actually I’m deeply insecure, especially around men.

we don’t know if she brought up the word “integrity” earlier in the dep, or if she called into question the “integrity” of his accusers.

Who the fuck decides they’d rather have NONE of what they wat instead of some of what they want

controlling academia and the media gives the far left

I too am a single issue voter. If Michael Bay isn’t busy making a movie about Curt Schilling’s life, then there’s just no way I can stomach voting for Trump.

There are also consequences when the AD fires a well-liked coach - students will either transfer, despite the hardships, or leave the team if they can.

This (Tom throwing a fit like he just got off the phone with his best friends on the A&M coaching staff) shows you how desperately these coaches need and wield power over these unpaid employees. Take one extra recruit away from these people and it’s like being in the bosses’ house on the cotton plantation while

The WR coach is not making a few hundred thousand, or my name is Tom Hugginbill

I’m not sure if you just witnessed the same rant I did, but Tom Luginbill knows how to inspire him some pop warner dads and early teen football hazing victims (i.e. ESPN’s demo)

Did Adam Schefter train this guy? Amazing how ESPN has such versatile staff. Guys who nominally are “recruiting analysts” or “talking heads” are also coach-player sociologists, ethicists, and have their PhD’s in social media studies. They also seem to be well prepared to become asshole local cops or prison wardens or

Germantownie doubling down on his defense of old white men!!

Note to self: don’t hold my football team’s photo on Peyton Manning appreciation day

Soon, we’ll be watching commanding the feed to toggle between players’ and coaches’ on-jersey cameras, the feeds of professional cameramen, and citizen HD+VR cameraphones, while live-editing the images/sounds/texts and re-broadcasting them within our social media groups, competing for our individual feeds’

Fine. You’re unleashing your mind in a creative, bombastic way. But let’s just do this