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Its almost like there’s some middle ground you’re clearly ignoring.

Not smart enough to run a functional publication either.

Not smart enough to hide the fact that he used Russian active measures to hack social media and push fake news.

I’ll take it up a notch, based on my own experience. Keep in mind that this is relative to my own field of expertise and may not apply to TV/Media… But I’ll bet it does.

This is also why like half of his Twitter followers are Russian bots.

Don’t worry. They won’t be in charge for much longer. Hopefully they can’t fracture our society too much more in the meantime, but they’ll get theirs. Don’t you worry about that.

Yet another reason we have to kick the shit out of them in the midterms.

He’s a rich white politician - of course he can’t be brought up in charges.

Indeed, because it takes minimum logical hoops to understand that within the confines of a non hunter-gatherer society, the “might makes right” mindset which is the quintessential anti-intellectual pillar, simply crumbles under peer pressure. Unfortunately, our society, formed around the basis of a resource-scarcity

Say, in the future, it’s discovered that Pruitt was lying and covering up/altering scientific data to benefit himself and his Big Oil buddies to disinform the public on climate change, can he be brought up on charges? I feel like this isn’t seen as a serious crime. I honestly feel this is a crime against humanity.

We are seriously hung up on the ‘50s.

Anti-Climate change (anti-intellectualism in general) is a dogmatic pillar of the social cult of The Right. It’s not about logic or science to them. Rather it’s a challenge to their dogma. It’s essentially become part of their political identity and any challenge is viewed as an attack on that identity and dismissed

Thank you to the hero who sent this to the New York Times.

This is America now. The right wing is trying to drag America back into the 1950's and scientists have to break the law to inform the public about the truth.

To the shithound in the greys; if you truly believe what you wrote, please let me idle a malaise era V8 in your living room indefinitely.

“stfu move on”

*Crawls out from under rock*

Hey! Your account is working.

This is just a bullshit conservative talking point. When conservatives are in power… Do you REALLY pay substantially less in taxes? No. Fuck no. You don’t. They just shift things around and prioritize spending. Look at our federal spending, year by year. Does it ever really go down?