Sobchak Mobile Security

Really, no one out there can do anything about this? I am praying that all of this keeps stirring because something is happening behind the scenes. Do we need to count the silverware at the White House? He is going to strip that place like squatters strip copper wiring.

The FBI has been using these tactics against the mafia for decades. They broke through Omerta and got high-level capos to turn on their dons. And Trump is making the investigators’ work even easier by shitting on his aides and allies on a daily basis. There aren’t going to be many people willing to do time to save his

Bingo. That’s the whole point of RICO, once you prove that it’s a criminal enterprise, you have a clear runway to go after everyone who was a part of it.

Nope. This shit is RICO. They are fucked beyond imagination. If they’re connected to a single crime… Say obstruction or abuse of power or lying to investigators or perjury… They’re fucked by all of it.



I bought all the popcorn last week motherfucker. I’m hawking it on the street and making a killing. Get in line.

Oh yeah. Trump and Pence both seem like criminal masterminds. I’ll bet they covered their tracks really well.

That’s not scary. At all. No, you’re crying. Shut up.

Slow day at the office.

Don’t worry everyone… I got this.

You forgot to reverse entropy. This will never work and if you forget to reverse entropy all you’ll get is a bad headache and the spins.

Total alpha move. Tweeting your way out of international confrontations while having a messy BM.

Legal adults or mental adults?

He is the alpha of betas.

Who the fuck brought this asshole out of the grays?

No one needs to take him when he is deported via the Sun Cannon™.

He should be beat up as an adult as well.