Sobchak Mobile Security

That horse is brown. Ailes would have you molestered for that.

How many people do you still see celebrating the Nazis? You see a lot of Nazi flags flying off the back of pickup trucks?

I’ve always said that immediate reparations would have been fair. Because all the motherfuckers bitching on and on about “States right’s” and saying that not everyone who fought for the South was fighting to preserve the institutions of slavery always forgets one pivotal thing.

Alternate theory: The IC can tie them to the methods really easily (and, from all appearances, have) but in order to prove the links they’d have to burn valuable assets.

This was really sloppy and rushed.

And their situation shares commonalities with a lot of other Syrians who would come to the US as refugees. Just pointing out the fact that most of the people who are trying to get out of that country are not who many Americans claim they are. They aren’t dangerous. They need our help.

Are these the ones we care about or are these the ones we’re afraid of? Dear leader doesn’t seem to be tweetering about this as of late, so I’m not sure how to feel here.

Twist up a pretzel and bask man. Shit like this happens once a century.

When the Sobchak hits

It’s a friend, and it’s a companion,
And it’s the only product you will ever need.
Follow these easy assembly instructions it never needs ironing.
Well it takes weights off hips, bust, thighs, chin, midriff!
Gives you dandruff, and it finds you a job, it is a job!
And it strips the phone company free take ten for five

Scaramucci argued that lower prices can be achieved if we “trust the process of the free market, like in telecom, like in airlines.” After the clip below cuts off, Scaramucci continued, saying people would get “a better product, better quality service at a lower price, that’s what America has been about.”

Yeah, I’ve resisted using that label for awhile now. But we’ve entered new territory in recent weeks.

Pictured: The two scientists who deny that humans are changing our environment.

FAKE NEWS: “At some point President Trump is going to forget about the 2016 election and Hillary Clinton’s emails and turn his attention to the nation’s business”. No, he will never turn his attention to the nation’s business. He can’t even manage to give a speech to a bunch of Boy Scouts without bringing up Hillary

It’s politics. That statement is the most vehement rebuke you’re ever going to get. He’s saying in public that he thinks his boss’s idea is stupid.

He serves at the will of the President.

I wouldn’t exactly depict this as vehement disapproval.....which is pretty scary given this guys position.

Supposedly Spicer resigned because this guy is terrible. Let that sink in. He’s so bad that even Spicer won’t carry water for him.