Sobchak Mobile Security

My first thought was “Is this dementia or is this just lots of cocaine?”

lol. Okay, the people who are manipulating him know they need to cover their tracks. The royal “he.”

I’ve thought them out. I could get this shit done by next Tuesday if I had a rubber band, 4 lollipops and a herd of feral cats that responded to my commands.

Are these your tax returns Donnie? Lots of red on here. We know that these are your tax returns. We know that you stole the election. Have you ever heard of Vietnam Donnie? You’re entering a world of pain.

The controversy follows the announcement from crown prince Mohammed bin Salman that Saudi Arabia is planning to expand the country’s economy beyond oil, for instance, into terrorism.

Our good buddies, the Saudis.

They’re rebranding. Its the Donner Party now.

Something something places in France the police won’t even go something something save our culture fart noises.

Conservatives. Small government except when we’re bored and don’t have anything else to get annoyed about.

I stand for privacy in public restrooms. Now pull out your bits so I can make sure you’re supposed to be in here.

what the fuck does family friendly hip-hop mean?

I agree with all of this except that first sentence. And I think even that would just be a debate on semantics.

Hey man. Leave conservatives alone. Its tough being scared of your own shadow all the time. Could you imagine? Walking around all day with your pants full of poo? That ain’t fun. If they want to spend exorbitant amounts of money giving themselves the illusion of control, who are we to judge?

Winner winner chicken dinner.

Harris/Schiff 2020

I’ve heard it said.

Hey man. Stay in your lane.

What makes you think its not?

Boy. If only the GOP had a master negotiator who could come in and arrange some kind of deal. Wouldn’t that have been nice?