Sobchak Mobile Security

1/ I did. They were.

I have no idea why you think that’s what I believe. I think you’re extrapolating an argument I’m not making. But since you insist on wasting my time projecting nonsense… Here’s what I think.

Do I like the self-perpetuating cycle that we’ve created with the War on Terror? No. Do I think we have to respond to threats? Yes. Is there a better option than drones? No. You came up with two and that were both hilariously bad and unrealistic. I’m not going on about American exceptionalism here or something. I

I don’t see what’s so idealistic about it. If there is an absolutely pressing threat to US security in the middle east (lol), send in your own troops with UN backing (or not)…

You want to show me where I was talking about that?

I’m sure you’ll make a comment relevant to my point any day now.


President Obama carried out FAR too many drone attacks that killed far too many civilians - despite his administration’s insane insistence that any male casualty was a “combatant” - to consider him a peaceful president.

lol Okay Chad. Seems like you’ve really formulated an airtight argument here. Good luck with not knowin’ stuff and sounding like a douche. Hope that works out for you someday.

The Libya intervention was part of a UN operation dummy. France, Lebanon and the UK brought that to vote. Not the US. Obama did not use “American military force to overthrow a regime and then did absolutely zero follow-through.” He partnered with an international coalition after the UNSC approved Res 1973 FFS.

lol What 7 countries did Obama attack? He carried out a lot of military operations, but I can’t think of a single country he attacked unilaterally.

Its because all their policies are based on projection. The hypocrisy is as clear as day if you spend more than 15 minutes looking at it.

I agree with the first part of this but the second part makes me WTF?

Because people hate school and because people hate their jobs.

Yes but Republicans are stupid. They’ll believe any bullshit you put in front of them as long as you appeal to their emotions.

The GOP represents conservative, rich old religious white men.

Right. Because people don’t pay me to do stuff like this for a living.

These systems always come off the rails. This technology has been around for a long time and it still has a long way to go.