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Probably because we’re not Russian.

Yeah. They didn’t just trade a couple of calls and leak Hillary’s emails. They weaponized fake news.

The press corps is not allowed* to film the press briefings until further notice from the Alt-White House.

Oh… The case is far from closed. We’re just getting to the good bits.

Young Donald is the motivational poster image for all the mediocre offspring of “dynamic business leaders”. Like the first husband of my friend, whose title of VP/Fleet Management meant that every day he golfed or fished til 11 or so, then came to the office to take a company car (there were 4) either to the

You know “some people” are saying that Fox on-air personalities are only smart enough to read the TelePrompTer exactly as written and wouldn’t be able to keep a job on a real news network. “People who know” have been reporting that most of them wouldn’t know how to cover and write a real story like a “ “journalist” if

The world is flat is a testable hypothesis. Vaccines cause autism is a testable hypothesis. Both have been tested. Both have been proven false.

Spoiler alert; the boyfriend plans to steal grandma’s back pills.

It’s illegal to take any advisement from a foreign govenment to aid in an American election. This is a bad scene for all three involved. Finally kushner can meet his fucking father in jail.

Somebody posted a video of Keith Olbemann over on Jezebel, where he brings up the fact that a few hours after this meeting took place was the first time Trump Tweeted about Clinton’s e-mails; oh, and it happened not long before the Wikileaks dump.

Of course Obama sold us out to the Saudis. He’s a secret Muslim. Didn’t you know that? I mean, his middle name is Hussein, so he has to be a Muslim, amirite?

Here’s a pertinent fact: Trump is a traitorous piece of shit who sold out his country to the Russians and all of his supporters are complicit in that betrayal.

In Junior’s defense of the meeting you can see where the administration is going to end up on all of this. “Well yeah, we were vaguely aware that the Russian government was doing things to help our campaign. But we didn’t really care - it wasn’t our job to care. I mean, what, somebody is giving you a free assist,

Because Buddhists don’t “worship” Buddha. They follow what Sidhartha taught. So the Pali Canon could be wrong, but what Sidhartha taught might not be. It wasn’t all “worship my dad and do what I say in these parables” It was more “You are a simple creature that is part of a cosmic web so train yourself to listen to

That’s why Muhammed’s followers didn’t consider Baha’i followers as part of the People of the Book.

Not necessarily… Buddhism, Taoism and Jainism can all work within our current understanding of field theory. Their dogma isn’t really based on mythology.

Here’s the question I will pose, why? Why at all is it necessary to teach your children values through the insanely distorted lens of some fictional belief?

As I understand it, if you erase all records of white supremacy… White supremacy stops existing. And then we’ll all become white supremacists because those who ignore history are doomed to repeat it. And as my crazy Uncle Dave describes it, white supremacy is just the bees knees. So if we forget how bad it is, then

Strongly disagree. An opinion of one, but progressive policies are superior in every way to conservative ones. Even if people don’t “like it” enacting them will eventually make the country a better place.