Sniffun Udnid

Maybe you should worry a little more about whether or not anyone will miss you when you finally realize that the bulk of your interaction with other people comes from your sad posts on this website and decide to up and swallow a bottle of whatever pills are handy. The answer, in case your wondering, is not a single

You’re right. Should of just let that land be turned into some kind of swanky tent village or shanty town. Let’s face it at this point Baltimore is a few packs of feral dogs away from being renamed East Detroit. 

George Zimmerman being a trigger happy ass clown doesn’t make @No_Limit_Nigga any less a violent piece of human garbage. It really didn’t matter who killed who that night as society stood to gain either way.

Let’s see, I find wanting to go and assault a classmate for a second time because “he didn’t bleed enough” the first time pretty reprehensible. Barring that you might be able to find a few more things in the above mentioned book seeing as this author kicked him out of her house due to his behavior. I bet she could

What does this story about prison have to do with black culture? . . . .Oh, nevermind. Awkward!

It pains me to see the maker of some of my all time favorite consoles be so terribly inept in current day. The Switch is a fine idea that Nintendo has shit all over with bad decision making.

Or maybe he just doesn’t owe any of these pricks a fucking explanation or feel the need to explain himself. If there is one upside to all this it’s going to be watching you ass hurt libs cry your salty fucking tears for the next 4-8 years. 

You want to be mad at someone be mad at the DNC for insisting that 2016 was her turn. Just because you don’t cause a stink when your husband gets caught screwing the help and the two of you played nice in 2012 with the Obama reelection campaign it  does not entitle you to the highest office in the country. . . . .

I say that is nuts. For that statistic to be true would mean that one in four black people are entirely incapable of getting a job, renting/owning a home of most any sort, doing the most rudimentary of banking activities like cashing a check, or getting any kind of government assistance. So unless there are swaths of

Shouldn’t you be getting ready to try out for the Hopkinsville Marauders or blowing Olbermann for some airtime on whatever C tier video podcast he’s been relegated to hosting these days?

Really? Then how do these people work? Maybe they don’t work? Ok, fine, how do they get government assistance with no ID? Maybe The Government Assistance fairy just bestowed benefits on them with a shake of her government subsidized wand? Great! How do they cash their SSI or welfare checks then? They don’t get checks,

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Well you might be surprised to learn how little the left thinks of you. The left is the party that excells in the soft bigotry of lowered expectations.

To be honest I think white people are the ones primarily insulted when issues like this come up. Generally they are spearheaded by white milenials chomping at the bit for something new and interesting to be offended by.

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They probably watched her train wreck of an interview with Holder. You know, the one where she fucking asked him to quack like a god damned duck.