But since she's going backwards she isn't married to him, and I think they undid that anyway when the timeline was corrected; everything that happened during the wackiness was undone.
But since she's going backwards she isn't married to him, and I think they undid that anyway when the timeline was corrected; everything that happened during the wackiness was undone.
I think "Speedy" could be fixed if the mom died. And "Laurel" would be fixed if Tommy died, and she grew up and started going by her first name. And maybe if her dad died.
I missed that too. Bad special effects killed it for me.
This is about characters they want to see die in the 2013 season. And I think you might be alone, or in a very small group, of people who want to see Sheldon die. Most people either love him or hate the show entirely and thus are not invested enough to care about characters living of dying.
Charlie Sheen already has another TV job: Anger Management. Unless that got cancelled and I missed it.
But GL just can't keep a straight face...
I can see Keaton and Bale most prominently, but I also see Clooney to some extent. I'm not getting Kilmer or West at all.
Patrick Bateman?
I definitely thought of him for Batman, but he could have made a good Wolverine, too.
I wanted Michael T. Weiss to play Batman back when that show was on.
He went out of commission in the '40s.
I didn't know Wolfsbane was a Christian.
Seeing as how Thor and his ilk are treated as not actual gods, but simply had been worshiped as such still allows for exclusive religions to exist; and even if they were gods, that wouldn't exclude others from believing other religions, even exclusive ones.
The point is the culture shock because Cap didn't live through those years; so he missed the transitional period. Asking an 80n year old who lived through it would not garner the same response as one who all of a sudden comes to that many years later. Ask someone who was in a coma for that long, then you get an idea…
He already has all the names.
It is if you understand what I meant.
Scientific explanation? Biology!
I'm pretty sure the point is that one day the mother stopped coming [I assume she died] and the implications of what that meant for Rapunzel now being without the drugs that eased her headaches and helped her sleep...
Can't say I didn't see this coming with the way they treated it early on, but still... *tear*