
Any who believe acting upon the inclination is a choice, whether or not the inclination itself initially was, and are opposed to abortion with no exceptions, will not turn a blind eye to such a thing. WBC on the other hand...

Poor Ross.

I certainly agree with that last sentiment. As for where Wanda will end up, anything is possible.

As long as the exterior stays the same, I'm good.

With Wanda being a mutant, and Magneto's daughter, she's unlikely to show up in a Marvel film not produced by FOX [who own the X-Men character film rights].

"There sure are a lot of penises in this room" sounds more whimsical than "sausage fest." At least to me.

I could see that.

You don't like her so they should ruin her for all the people who do? Not even my microphilia could make me want to see Paris miniaturized.

Her name in Dollhouse was Whiskey.

The point is to make amazing artwork that is so amazing people want to buy it, so they can sell prints of it and use the proceeds to help the subject of said drawing. If you had read the article you would know that.

I'm pretty sure the Vulture was his first nemesis; ironically he also dated Aunt May.

Or Looney Tunes.

I actually tried watching the first season of the '80s He-Man cartoon a few months ago, after my friend bought it on DVD at a garage sale for me. We sat down to watch it together and couldn't finish it it was so bad.

The listening device was only said to have been developed for the military. Bruce faked the books on that one; which is why Lucius stated he was unaware Wayne Enterprises had any active military contracts; they didn't.