
If there is ANY chance she could win, then she owes it to the world to try.

Tomorrow’s NYT headline:


Better than a petition, I think this is actual contact info for some electors.

The blame falls squarely on those, you included, who pushed a deeply flawed candidate and despite being warned repeatedly she was an incredibly bad matchup against a populist anti-establishment candidate, in a political climate when the electorate was sending the clear message they are fed up with politics as usual

He also said he was tired of hearing about her emails...

Wow, you’re going to tear Bernie down for ‘hiding out writing his book’ (he absolutely did not do that; he continued traveling the country for down-ticket candidates) yet you’ll continue to support a woman who, with a handful of speeches to fucking Wall Street banks, made more than him in a few hours than he’ll make

Oh my God. Congratulations on being 16 years old and pouting. He ‘used’ the DNC because he votes with them like 99% of the time and because it’s the only viable path to victory in our country. Also, don’t know if you’ve read anything in the last two months, but the DNC absolutely sabotaged him from the very beginning.

Considering how hard the DNC was fucking him over during the primaries you should be glad he did the bare minimum

So you’re ‘kinda over’ all the progressive values that he’s been espousing for 30-40 years? Jesus Christ, dude. Fuck off.

For my part, I also hope that we literally never hear from a Clinton again. Chelsea, don’t run for Congress.

Agreed. During the primaries I saw it as, whoever wins, I’ll be happy to vote for in the general. I actually liked Bernie quite a bit more than HRC because his refreshing takes and ability to not get drawn into loaded questions by the media.

Just a soothing liberal rant from Bernie Sanders the 46th president of the United States about holding Trump accountable

Of course Bernie would have won; does anyone doubt that Bernie would have kept the working class white men in Ohio, WI, PA and Michigan that voted for Obama twice but then switched to Trump? WI, PA & MI were the whole ballgame and they’re Bernie territory. We could have had President-elect Sanders instead of that fat,

What a good guy. I voted for Clinton (because I’m not a fucking idiot) but I always loved Bernie. I think that this optimism and this encouraging idea that we need to push forward for what is right, is exactly what many of us need right now.

Godspeed Bernie.

Don’t try and pin this on third party voters, because for the most part they helped CLINTON and she still couldn’t win. Stein was barely a blip on the radar. The vast majority of third party votes went to the Libertarian, which means they were siphoned off from the Republican. Johnson voters were just disaffected

Can’t sleep, clowns will grab my pussy.

Sounds like a great way to get sued. Keep up the great work morons. Especially now that blizzard knows your actual names after your meeting with them.

Someone’s asking for a Law suit. where these people think they have any say in how Blizzard runs their IP is absurd. I guess they enjoy paying for legal defense.