
Matt Braunger is one of my favorite comedians and he was an absolute delight in this video! His reaction to "Feel-Good Satires" was awesome. I hope your new duties don't make you too busy to keep making these, John.

I'd be right there with you.

Great retrospective, Patrick! I have to ask, did you rewatch most of these shows or is this mostly from your memory?

Add Dragon Age: Inquisition and Witcher 3 to that list, too.

The leveling up system sounds a bit contrived. Focusing solely on weapon and car upgrades makes sense, but having Max level up is dumb. Isn't the whole point of the post-apocalypse setting to demonstrate how fragile life can be and how anything can kill you? Just have him be a big squishy blood-bag throughout the


Actually, they loved it!

Oh god, I had forgotten about that. Thanks.

Oh it was decidedly NOT a good game. Only the 4th quarter was mildly interesting. Thursday Night Football needs to go away, in my opinion. The games are usually blowouts or just boring to watch.

I am not looking forward to driving the Mako again. It's the furture, can't you have a smaller shuttle or helicopter type thingy to tool around in, instead of a car?

Garbage time is a thing of beauty.

That picture cracks me up, although I have a feeling I will be in your shoes on Wednesday.

The combat in Mass Effect is truly terrible, but they completely revamp it in ME2 and it is actually enjoyable.

Stick of Truth is great. The end of Day 1 and when they venture north towards the end of the game are hilarious!

That's an odd glitch. The Storm king is a great fight and the reward you get is pretty friggin' sweet.

I'll be on the road this weekend, so if I am playing any games it will be either Threes! or maybe Year Walk, if my wife brings her iPad. Oh! And I will be continuing my love/hate relationship with fantasy football in the Gameological Block & Tackle league. I may not be doing so hot, but the commentary between

Great, now all I can think about is Pale Man from Pan's Labyrinth. Guess the only way I'm going to sleep tonight is by drinking that character out of my head. Booze helps you forget what's troubling you, right?

XCOM. I want to see a someone's reaction to seeing what a chyrsalid can do for the first time.

How many dollars an hour can I make doing this and will I be able to by an Astin Martin Vulcan in a couple months?

Was your duvet within arms reach, so you could cover your face during scary bits?