
Wait, so neither of them then participated in a sick lip-sync battle?

There's nothing like a well made Excel spreadsheet! This is not sarcasm, I'm serious.

I wish that were true.

This album's existence flabbergasts me.

Thanks for filling in, Trumpkin! I will not scoff at the title of Best Loser.

Fuck yeah!

I meant it was quite the compliment! Whether or not one wants to take it literally, I'll leave that up to them.

I'd say 90% of humans in that series are really racist. The city elf storyline in Origins is by far the darkest, most unsettling origin story in the game. Humans are the worst.

Yeah, let us know what the missus thinks of that…

Boo-urns to that! Life just can't let you enjoy anything, can it?

Playing the Trespasser DLC for Dragon Age: Inquisition really gave me the itch to play the game again with a new character. I was going to try romancing Cullen with my female, Dwarven Inquisitor, but I just found out that Cullen won't hook up with Dwarves! So, that leaves me with Josephine (already romanced in another

Those are great levels! We've got some talented motherfuckers in this community!

It's all a conspiracy! The game should be called Super Mario Brosghazi!

Oof! That's brutal.

I had maybe a dozen Atari games and ET was one of them. I beat it several times, but the pits were unavoidable. You had to fall down some of them in order to retrieve pieces of your spaceship to go home. It was just as bad as advertised.

I went with a straight-up quality build. At 50 strength, 50 dex, and a Ludwig's Holy Blade +10, I kick a whole lot of monster derriere.

Who needs any of the Final Fantasy games when you have The California Raisins & The Cereal Factory on PC, amiright? Yes, I actually had this game.

I did have an Atari 2600, though. So, when my friends came over, I'd ask if they wanted to play Defender (my jam), Barnstorming (totally my jam), or E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial (no one's jam). Needless to say we played outside at my house a lot.

I love all of these Mario articles, but I never owned—and wasn't allowed to spend my own money on—an NES or Super NES. The only time I got to play these games is if I went to a friend's house for a sleepover. So, a lot of my Mario nostalgia brings me back to sitting at the lunch table in grade school listening to

Hey, kids, let's ride a carpet into a giant eagle's mouth!
[cue Jefferson Airplane's "White Rabbit"]