
I know what you mean. There are men in the game with all different kinds of body types: Bloody Baron was a big fat guy, Crach was a big muscly dude, Vesemir had a paunch, and all of the dwarves and halflings were male, too. Not one woman had a different body type other than "righteous babe". But hey, man, women

Those two rifts kicked my ass. Not to mention the Ice Giant you randomly come across. The main boss in Hakkon pales in comparison to those fights.

I'm not big on cruises, either, because I'm not a fan of boats or the norovirus.

Awesome! Thanks for the heads up. I'm stoked about the ending, now. If it is a letdown, I am blaming you. Seems reasonable.

You can farm blood shards from the werewolves in Old Yharnam, so upgrade your stuff at will, UNTIL you get to where you need blood chunks. Those are hard to come by and only use those for weapons you know you want to use.

That is such a weird system.

Oh! I forgot the Black Emporium DLC for Inquisition is really good and free. You can purchase the best staff schematic (Staff of Corruption) in the game from there.

I heard that, too. Is Konami a full fledged evil corporation, now?

Yeah, I was specifically thinking of firing from your staff. It actually felt like you were doing damage.

Congrats on the publication!

I'd agree with the darkness comment. Also, the atmosphere in Demon's Souls is fantastic; on par with Bloodborne.

Yes. This DLC gives you a prompt that says you cannot go back and finish any unfinished quests, since it takes place two years after the end of the game. So, Trespasser is now the official ending of DA:I.


I concur. Also, the one thing that bugged me about DA:O and DA:I was how slow you moved, when your weapon was drawn. You slow down to a jog, while in DA2 you could still run at full speed, which makes complete sense in combat. No clue why they reverted back to the jog in DA:I.

"Runeword"? I'm going out on a limb since I haven't heard of this, but does it allow you to create what runes do or is it like the system in Diablo 3?

You should remedy that, as you can get the trilogy super cheap now. Also, you will be prepared if you ever run into that girl, again.

From what I understand, they didn't get an advance copy, so their giving Joe Keiser all the time he needs to play the game in order to do a thorough review.

I may be in the minority, but I think the combat in DA2 is way better than DA:O. Everything feels quicker and—at least for a mage—the moveset is pretty slick. For character creation, I am drawn to creating badass female characters that I model after my wife. I just wish they would allow you to adjust the height

Yes, Trespasser lets you choose what your attire is outside of fighting. Vast improvement, in my opinion.

It is fun to play and you get some actually cool looking mage armor. However, this DLC is very story driven. If you just want to close more rifts and shit, I recommend the Jaws of Hakkon DLC. The enemies actually pack a punch, which makes combat challenging again.