
Get ready for the Valley of Defilement. Probably the level I dread more than any other in the Souls franchise. And if you ever figure out the black and white tendencies, let me know because they confused the hell out of me.

I read that first sentence and thought you were going to go on a cruise and was vicariously excited for you.

I will be playing Dragon Age: Inquisition Trespasser DLC. So far so good on the actual quality of the DLC, since it actually has a point and is integral to the plot. The story is pretty intriguing, but there is really no mystery surrounding it, since the yet-to-be-revealed twist is very much telegraphed. Of course

Vegas is trolling people?

Long is really good and Bushrod is alright, but old as fuck. The asthmatic lineman we drafted doesn't help matters, though.

The Cubs are giving me The Hope and that scares me. The last time they gave me The Hope was in 2003. It ended with me contracting a stomach virus and going to the hospital they were officially eliminated from the playoffs. I don't blame it on the Jimmy John's I ate, I blame the Cubs.

Man, Jauron was the worst. I remember Mike Brown being one of the lone highlights during that time. You're right, it could be worse.

That'd be nice, but there is no best case scenario involving the Bears. I say the Bears go 5-11, again. Just good enough not to get a good pick, then our GM will draft a guy with micro fractures in his leg, like this year.

Tampa also has too many Bears retreads on D to be good.

Jay Cutler is the greatest QB in Bears history and the Bears would be in much worse shape, if he was not on the team. However, the Bears are never winning the Super Bowl with Jay Cutler because he is awful. Once you come to terms with the Cutler Paradox, instead of anger you will feel a general malaise about life.

Teti's prediction of 31-20 is too generous. John Fox loves FGs way too much for that score to be accurate and Cutler plays even more like Cutler against the Packers. I would go 38-16 and if the Bears score it is because of Forte.

As a Bears fan, I will say I have zero expectations for the team and I hate them.

I have yet to play Destiny, but my favorite message from another player happened in Dark Souls 2. I summoned a player for a boss fight and halfway through I lost connection to the server and he disappeared. A minute later I get a message: "wtf homie". That message still brings a smile to my face.

The only thing I will say in Trespasser's defense is that it takes place two years after the end of DA:I and will probably have major plot implications for the series/story moving forward. It's similar to the Arrival DLC for ME2.

Humans are just generally awful.

Trespasser DLC for Dragon Age is pretty good so far. There's an actual plot AND it is interesting.

Ziggy II is a douchebag.

Yeah, there's nothing more satisfying than being chased in Goldeneye, turning, and detonating a remote mine in mid air in someone's face. Doesn't even matter if you get killed in the blast, too, it's just funny.

I want to kill this comment thread with fire!

I imagine the rest of the city is nice, though. Are there still a lot of street urchins running around?