
I've never been to London, so I have no clue other than hearing it is a very expensive city. Being an American, I just make sweeping generalizations about things. It's what we do.

But obtaining all the wood is fun! I know how that sounds, but I stand by it.

Even better, it's relatively cheap ($20) in regards to other board games out there. The quickness of the rounds makes it feel pretty fresh and it doesn't wear out its welcome. The first round I played went 10 minutes, the second round everyone was out in around 5 minutes.

There's some of that in there, but it is mostly gross out humor and weird dick jokes, it doesn't change the actual gameplay. One card says something like: "Tie your penis to a butterfly and see where it leads you" with an absurd drawing associated with it. I forget what the card did, but it made us all laugh.

The screen shots kind of make it look like really creepy versions of downed alien vessels in XCOM. I'm just picturing chrysalids popping out everywhere.

I'm surprised individual drinks don't cost 20 quid in London.

I saw that game being played at Gen Con. There were six people sitting at a table: one teaching everyone to play and five people looking extremely confused. It looked cool, but very complicated, especially when the iPad was being integrated into the game.

London Dread sounds great! I wish I had more time to spend at Gen Con to play more games, but this year being my first foray I wasn't sure what to expect. I did enter my oldest into a Pokemon no-stakes tourney where he got to play with and keep a deck of cards that haven't been released yet, which was the highlight

You do realize you have no kicker or defense, right? Wait, what am I doing? YOUR TEAM IS JUST FINE!

I won a hotdog eating contest in my dorm in college. How does that effect my ranking?

You've got a good team, so it evened out. That was just a really funny moment… for us.

Good point. I'd say Lance Dunbar and Teddy Bridgewater were self-inflicted wounds.

I am happy to report that the first ever Gameological Block & Tackle Fantasy Football League draft went off without a hitch and there were no casualties. The pain fun will begin on September 10th. Here are the head-to-head match-ups scheduled:

Very well said. I agree.

That does sound depressing.

Well, as long as they're pulling their weight…

Or purchase a flamethrower.

Well, if you wait long enough, Dark Souls 3 will come out. I highly recommend Bloodborne. Once you get the flow of Bloodborne's combat, Dark Souls feels slow by comparison.

You should move.

Did you kill everyone off in ME2?