Nope. Bleeding Cool article.
But, Marvel/Disney $hilling is strong.
I mean, io9 talked shit about this film for three years, and then got even saltier when they weren’t allowed into the press screening. Seems pretty simple to me.
Tier 1: Batman/Superman/Lex Luthor
Ooh, someone follows Mark Bitchboy Waid on twitter.
I’m not looking for reasons to hate the film. I want to like it.
Totally not an apples and oranges comparison here. Nope, not at all.
In before every Dark Age/
ZachZack Snyder fanboy starts cherry-picking the one of maybe5five times in Batman’s 75-year history that he’s either used guns or killed a guy as proof that Batman does not have a no-kill rule, despite it being an important part of the character’s mythology that he neither uses guns nor…
The shark was pulling my leg!
I enjoyed it for what it was, and on second viewing just skipped over the talky bits. It’s kool to hate Zack Snyder, though. Especially as his new movie won’t be as flame-bait worthy as this one.
On the other hand, where’s the outrage in that reading of his comments?
You really are mad about not being invited to the BvS junket.
Please let this be American Crime Story Season 2.
Nevermind that the film is two and a half hours long.
Man, you guys really need the hate clicks to keep the money coming in, eh?