
I think you just need to try it to really get what they are about. Its not really the same experience. A 250 still feels more like a proper bike with a lot less power. The Grom feels like something your dad would have bought you as a kid that your mom REALLY didn’t want you to have, except it fits a full grown adult

I’m not a beginner that wants a tiny bike..

Option 1: If the answer was Miata (and it usually is), I’d be like “Sure, why the hell not?” But the fact that I really need a family hauler makes the decision even harder. Then you add that it can be a unique one-off. All things considered, I’m still going option 1.

Now playing

Love these machines, our air force had them when I was a kid. Our Croatian neighbours still fly some...

I must concur with those who finds this trashy junk.

I’m sure we can all agree chasing a little pussy is a noble goal...........

Razor sales might fluctuate too.

I say if you’re going to ride it, customize it.

I’d put that on a resume.
Responsibilities: Creating fire underwater.

It’s only a matter of time...

What a confusing and exciting time.

I guess im special because id LOVE to do this, is there like a theme park I can go to where I can just climb really really really ridiculously tall things ?

He then popped up and said “Must be something...i8!” as a large curtain dropped behind him, unveiling the latest concept of BMW’s groundbreaking hybrid-composite sports car of the future.

My cat would take that as a challenge. Probably sit on my wrists just out of spite.

Supermoto is love. Supermoto is life.

More stuff on small displace,net bikes please? The manufacturers are starting to get it, but bike journalism seems fixated on the high end. Even a 600cc sport bike is too dang fast for me.

Sounds good, I still miss Hell fo Leather.