
Yes, I’m quite serious. It’s a sporting event - why is a sporting event a pean to how America and its Military are synonymous in their imagery? Might as well have every sporting event sing a hymn about the virtures of rockets and bombs and... oh, wait. No, you already do that, don’t you?

As an outsider looking in, it was downright sickening. It’s a corporate, for-profit event being presented as some kind of national civil rite, plus an appalling amount of circle jerking about the military. The moment when the American flag was presented alongside the flags of all the armed forces is the moment the

I feel like that person is a dog trapped in a human body. Very sad.

This is just a page out of the Clinton family playbook. See: Sister Souljah

Plus, this comes from the Clintons, who are capable of being pretty damn gross themselves.

Spade is a derogatory term for a black person. It’s a bit old-timey, so it falls under the radar when people use it sometimes. This person was being a racist dumbshit.

Who in their right mind would fuck with the lady that said the death of 500,000 Iraqi kids was worth it? Not me!

I can’t fully express how awesome it is that supporters of both candidates just can’t stop proclaiming that women are only supporting the opposing candidate because their vaginas make them stupid and illogical.

For real! This language is wonderful. I already really liked him but he has gone up in my estimation yet again.

This comment made me LOL. :D

Exactly. I read all the way through because reasons, but the whole time I’m wondering why he didn’t get his ass on a bus and go home.

Reading the linked post makes clear how thoughtful and tactful Marie’s article truly is.

This is the movie equivalent of perfect kinja.

I don’t think there’s anything particularly noble about my paraphrased answer. It’s passing the buck no matter how you look at it and as guys who’ve made a bunch of really great(and successful!) films there’s no question they have the capacity to be more than disapproving spectators.

Oh, no argument there. Of the self-important sheltered white dudes, I’m absolutely the best.

The Coen Bros. usually make movies about the strange mundane though. What is more mundane than white people.

I read it as them saying that while a lack of diversity is an important industry wide concern, the solution is in broadening the scope of who gets to make movies, not finding fault with specific films and the people making them.

Undecided voter here who is trying hard not to get involved with internecine Democratic turf wars, but-

I’m on Irish time but that just means I’m drunk and lost my watch.