
I had a miscarriage at 14 weeks and couldn’t find anyone who would perform the D&E I needed, except for planned parenthood. They couldn’t get me in for 3 weeks. After a few desperate calls to my OB, they finally found someone an hour away who would perform the surgery I needed within the week. Did I mention this was

I think that Lolita is one of those books that everyone claims to know, but few people have read (Uncle Tom’s Cabin is another example). I remember the whole “Long Island Lolita” thing and people acting like the girl anything other than a victim. I have a friend who is an English professor and teaches the book. He has

It’s really not amusing, he’s abusing our position, in addition he wants money, he’s a funny sort of spectre to expect a large retainer, nothing plainer he is clearly quite insane!

Toasters, you say?

Yeah, the last paragraph is where I couldn’t understand what was going on. The rest, despite my not being from New York or being at all musically hip these days, made perfect sense. Then it just went off the rails at the end.

I think it’s something to do with the hit parade. That’s it, that’s all I’ve got.

I was confused by this article before it was cool.

I am now officially one of “the olds” because not one damn sentence in this article makes a damn lick of sense to me.

How on earth is that gauche?

Best title reappropriation EVER. All the fist bumps.

Holy Fuck. I have no words. My heart goes out to her family.

Rihanna has the most beautiful color eyes.

I was supporting your statement. I read it that way too.

You mean caseloads? The realistic ability to manage cases in a way that would benefit children? Sure, but the culpability for that lies in society’s priorities in terms of what we want to fund and no one seems to remember the needs of kids in foster care until the shit hits the fan. When these things happen, we as a Crew here and not everyone can act. Acting in the sense of ‘pretending to be another being and doing it competently’ is HARD and requires a level of vulnerability that most people are incapable of, not to mention to levels of observation and mimicry required to even begin to pull that off.

I love this speech and really admire Shonda Rhimes, while simultaneously not liking any of the shows she has created. Crazy? Don’t care.

Fuck yeah. I love this.

Very true