Loved this article. Unfortunately I have never gotten to see these things in action, but will for sure try to find a set of them for when I get my own place.
Loved this article. Unfortunately I have never gotten to see these things in action, but will for sure try to find a set of them for when I get my own place.
@Brian Richards: Yeah, Central Ohio was using the Real3D, not dolby.
@abates25: And boom goes the dynamite....
I personally enjoyed # 12. It looked like someone was trying to work on Zombie Proofing their house.
My plasma gets image retention, but Never burn in. I can handle retention, as wait like 10 minutes, and you no longer have an issue.
@Archie-Tekt: +1 Internets. That made me laugh quite hard.
This almost makes me want to cry. It's so beautiful.
I'm going to be honest in saying that I really just don't understand the practical use for something such as this. #awe
@Benguin: I laughed hard at that.
@CrapperJohn: Oh Dear! 3577 mbps?