
How does one afford journey's like this? I have heard of multiple people extolling the virtues of trips like this, but for all the details they provide, the one that always seems to be omitted is how to finance a (literally) around the world trip. Even if it were dirt cheap for necessities like food/fuel/parts, it is

Elon Musk is such a D-teaser.

The video looks like it is sped up in certain parts, and real-time in other parts. Very odd sense of speed, some things just look like they're moving/vibrating too fast for it to be real. Rally is a ridiculous and incredible sport!

What this tells me is that tasers are not the outstanding personal defense weapons people make them out to be. Not only was he not incapacitated, but he retained (what could be considered) functional fine motor skills. Next test... stun gun vs. drifter.

Unless you're a motorcyclist. That or it is just ignored for us.

Sign #1: You clicked on the story with this headline.

Wellll.... she did buy a Saab, so....

Yeah, but it requires more endurance.

Now playing

I shot this video years ago at a local car show. Wish I still had pictures of the engine bay... very trick exhaust routing, easily the most beautiful tubing work I've ever seen in person. And the sound... the video (recorded on a potato) doesn't do it justice. It shook the ground under my feet, it vibrated my chest,

Loved all that nice smoke from the clutch in your first launch! Woops! Gonna find out soon what one of those costs?

"Team Delta just tweeted one hell of a congratulations to the US for their world cup win against Ghana. So Aaron Foley paid homage to this wonderful act of thoughtfulness with a lame article.

The only video they're showing is of the Toyota sliding sliding in from out of frame, knicking the Audi, and then the Ferrari spearing it at high speed from behind (the death blow for both cars). Not really sure who to blame here, but it seems like the Toyota was being pretty aggressive based on the conditions.

So if Audi is spying on Porsche's race program, and vice versa, is it still technically corporate espionage even though they have the same parent company? The "headwaters" of the Audi and Porsche development "rivers" have to meet somewhere in that company, and there is a suit who sees what both are doing.

No Pagani = No Bueno

ahhh! Those wheels! You'd expect the tent to be the ugliest thing in these photos but... NOPE!

Oh my God, it's still running! Can you believe it? I CAN'T! The fact that my car can still move under its own power has restored my faith in a higher power! Those four rings? It's like the four signs of stigmata! Owning my Audi is like being a real-life Job- minus the lucky bits. But it's all worth it because when it

Related: If you're vegan and you do crossfit, which do you preach to strangers about first?

I can't believe they're mining in Syria while a war is going on.

If you watch in the background at the beginning, you will see that there is more than one of these monstrosities in existence.

Did you know Waze is owned by Google? I'm not sure why they haven't rolled them together yet. The reporting feature in Waze is great, and the traffic data to be more up to date/accurate that what is in maps. I feel like Waze is still a better tool for those in a car, while maps is a better tool for those on foot.