
Anyone else notice that whenever you see a picture of these enormous pileups, it's always a bunch of passenger cars haphazardly stacked behind tractor-trailers like a log jam? It is coincidence that the tractor-trailers are always in the thick of things?

Apparently Paramount isn't really familiar with the term "viral marketing". No one is "watching" this movie on Twitter, and money is not being made by the Twitter user. Not that this movie needs more of a cult following... but fun "incidents" like this keep it in the collective memory of society. Next time someone is

I'm even more impressed by the condition of the smart car. Just look at the photos - other than sheet metal ripped away, it looks pretty good... and IT FLIPPED after getting smoked by the Ferrari. Before you say "b-b-b...but crumple zo..." SHUT UP, I know. The Smart was basically turned into a bouncy ball and it's

Pagani x1,000,000 for this question. How could you NOT want to visit them... they literally build cars out of Carbotanium!

Just what we need... auto-museum-sinkhole-truthers.

Well Russia's population is less than half of the US, so that skews statistics by itself. But there is also the fact that Russia is a notoriously corrupt country with a lack of basic policing and an extremely corrupt police force AND government. Here in the US you have to pay a good lawyer lots of money to get away

That's actually grass seed. It is mixed with shredded paper to help it grow. It is literally sprayed from a hose, and it is presumably colored to help the worker doing the spraying to know where they've already laid it down. I am inferring here, but I assume green was chosen as the color because it is analogous to

The only problem with Lampertinis is no trunk to put the dead hookers in.

9.) Ted Kennedy

I know we don't know any performance numbers right now other than the hp/tq, so I'd like to make a request of you before those start rolling in: forget 0-60 and start talking in numbers like 30mph-80mph and 50mph-100mph. Speaking practically, I think owners of this car are most likely to be doing 1) burnouts (duh) or

How is South of the Border NOT on this list?!?

It's easy to forget how high tech modern tire construction is these days. Just look how expensive these cop-spec tires are and you'll see what I mean.

Welp... time for a new bridge!

Audi had the ability to turn off the ABS in their 200 Quattro (1989-1991) cars. They also had a button in the center console that locked the rear differential through a vacuum actuation system, meaning that the car would drive 3 wheels simultaneously (most AWD only drives two at a time, often opposite corners, unless

Electronic viewfinders are starting to rival or exceed the quality of experience in optical viewfinders.

Powered wheelie bar.

Correction: "INBOX: Motor week gives glowing review to Fleshlight". There I fixed it for you.

Don't worry, they'll all go running back to Accord and Camry when the scheduled maintenance period expires.

2nd gear: I have only been driving (on public roads) for about 10 years, but in that time I have noticed a dramatic drop in the quality of the drivers around me . Maybe it is just me getting older and more pessimistic, but I think that our driver education system, and how seriously each individual regards the act of

Do you mean Balywud?