
Yes but shirtless idiot isn't 50 miles in to a 100 mile ride that day, having done it every day for the last 2 weeks.

Very fair statement, and I'd like to keep visiting (as I have) to give every facet of Jalopnik a fair shake. I joined the community only about 6 months before the whole Kinja update and seeing the community go through that, I try not to be a naysayer. I do want to have my chance to guide the direction of content as

I'm kind of over this whole Jalopnik Detroit feature. I don't want to vote Aaron "off the island", but I do not believe Jalopnik is a good fit. So far, every time I've clicked on an article I've either immediately regretting giving you the page views, or by the end of the article, regretted wasting those 5 minutes of

EDIT: flat track. But still, waterfront racing in Norway... I could get used to that. Just don't understeer through turn 2.

A broken propeller on the tug, maybe. Do you notice how much thrust that ship is able to put out in an attempt to dislodge itself from the dock? That's not something you do "with a broken propeller". On the other hand, you don't see any thrust coming from the tug, it is just along for the ride. All this suggests to me


It's a new model feature for this year. The "Speed3 Limited".

Needs moar CSL!

There was talk at one point of MTM importing modded Avant RS6's into the US, but I don't think it made it through the regulatory hoops. AFAIK, Audi has never made plans to import it. But oh god if MTM had brought it over... 700hp+ AWD wagon? Don't mind if I do, thankyouverymuch.

Maserati GT. If I'm really lucky, GT MC Stradale.

No way that was contrived. Nope, definitely real.

I'm surprised that your surprised that WA is popular for subarus. You ever been to WA?

I'm upset that you added 'In-Car' to the title after people had already started posting. You guys changed the title of Aaron Foley's article after publishing it earlier today as well. You do all of this without noting the changes/corrections. Seems kinda cheap to me, not the most "journalistic" behavior.

Why is it always the Ferarris (and the AF Corsa team in particular) that seems to be punting people off the track and generally being a menace to all other cars on track?

OnStar can stop/start lock/unlock a vehicle and check OBD, right? This seems like a way in. Not into Mercedes obviously, but still, it's an example.

I thought Prius used nickel-cadmium, not lithium. Did they switch?