
Yeah, odd, isn’t it? My thoughts, too.....our home habit, created by the parental units, is to cut them angled and thin, like the green onions. Typically, my kids will cherry-pick them out first, then finish the rest. Now, I feel like smashing some up....and I already had breakfast, dang it.

Being portable is also an immense plus with the ability to play locally only adding to the advantages. Plus it feels like CAPCOM is a little late to the game what with how we’re now hitting sandbox fatigue with a few exceptions (like Zelda).

We used a Wisdom Panel 3.0 test. Had good reviews. It’s possible that maybe my dogs had shared toys/water/food recently and messed stuff up (wife did the test so I have no idea the conditions). I’d be interested to try it again so see if the results are the same, but would rather not spend that much again. Maybe if I

My cousin is a veterinarian and once got me one of the DNA tests that uses blood (Wisdom Panel Professional) instead of other material which she says is far more accurate. Luckily I got my dog from a local shelter as a surrender, so her history was fairly well documented. The results came back pretty much what I

They’re all good dogs, Smartaz.

It could’ve been Mr Peanut Butter’s DNA.

I’d go Winter Solder Cap and then “Nomad” Cap. Without the helmet for sure because it seems impossible to make that not ridiculous. They’re both probably top 5 for me.

My problem in IW with the Panther suit was it either looks super slick or super fake. It looks good in farther-away shots where the CGI can breathe and when he’s using the concussion blasts. But when it’s a practical shot of him fighting hand-to-hand, the normally-glowing purple was clearly dull and painted on. When

I’d say Cap, no helmet with the Winter Soldier stealth suit is still his best look.

I’m fine with making distinctions. I’m less fine with the attitude and smug superiority seemingly involved. I’m not sure if that’s your intention, but I can only go off of what I read.

Also, kill off all the new characters everyone loves (Spidey and Black Panther in particular), play emotional blackmail when next time they make the odds about sacrificing the old guard to get those back.

Strange is a tough character to do as a protagonist, what with the “Master of the mystic arts” thing and the goofy facial hair and the magic.

Okay so Thoughts I had on my Run (tm). This movie worked for me for two big reasons:

Yeah, that very smart to shrink the cast down so the next movie will have a smaller ensemble.

Apologize if already noted.

Random thoughts. I loved the portrayal of Thanos better than the comic it was based off of. While not exactly tragic, his logic while absolutely nuts was logical. The opening of the movie immediately set up the stakes. The ending left the theater I was in silent. Seems obvious that they are setting up one last run for

I think Scarjo is very good when she’s given any sort of material to work with. I think she’s fantastic in Avengers in the scene where Natasha is trying to bring in Banner. I think she’s fantastic in the scene where she tricks Loki into revealing his plan. I think she’s great across the board in Winter Soldier,

I must have missed when he talked about that. Is that where he met Frailbot?

Anybody like you or me who’s on the month-to-month unlimited plan right now is in the perfect spot.

This news just made me spit out my raspberry lime rickey