
I don’t see a problem with splitting entrees, either. I’ve rarely ever done it, but I don’t see any legitimate reason for people to get up in arms about it.

Came here for this. Sending customers away with styrofoam boxes full of rapidly congealing food is tacky.

The New Orleans area has a pretty significant low-income Vietnamese immigrant community, so I bet average Asian income in the area is lower than national average.

Right, but the story gets it all backwards. Brooklyn is the BBQ influencee, not the BBQ influencer. You’ve got a lot of people and a foodie culture and a bunch of SMOKEBOYS show up from Memphis and Texas and shit, and you end up with some good BBQ joints.

Bizarrely my Catholic school happily stocked the full range of Conans and those covers in the library. A couple of books on paganism and Norse Gods now I come to think about it. Oh and Brian Bates’ Way of the Wyrd hmm

I’ve been running the Throne of Thunder, just for the achievements and the chance at the mounts, but man, I am building up a really great set of troll armor. When Zandalari trolls are available next expansion, it’s going to be tough to resist making one.

It takes a lot more (or rather, a lot less) than a pair of high-heel boots before you get into 1970's pulp fantasy Frank Frazetta or Boris Vallejo territory.

More like Conan The Free Booty amirite?

I play Alliance almost exclusively and I am seriously considering rolling a new Zandalari Troll as my main for BFA. Their dinosaur druid forms alone are freaking insane.

Gotta admit this dude sounds like someone I’d want to drink with. Gets blackout hammered but doesn’t drive. Finds his way into an Uber, somehow, and ultimately takes responsibility for his own drunken bullshit AND makes sure that whoever he inconvenienced along the way is adequately acknowledged and compensated.

I’m sorry. Free for life? They plan on charging for Vero in the future? To anyone? That alone will ensure it cannot replace Instagram. “We have the best social network. Just pay to be in it. None of your friends are here, but they will be once you’re here to make them want to be here.”

That milkshake-ducked really quickly.

So since this is SEGA and the demo was just the full game with a partially working cutoff, I fully expect that when I buy the whole game it will decide I’m playing the demo and cut me off after the intro.

Something tells me Becky still holds fast to her abhorrent views....but this Charlie guy....we should keep an eye on him. Sounds like he has what it takes to grow up to be president someday!

Yes. This is a huge problem and why my fellowship and career are focused on collaborating with scientists, clinicians, and patients in South Asia. Our drug trails, pre-clinical data, and even our large multicentered clinical trails all suffer from this very problem - the US has very poor diversity in medical trials.

I love how some anime hipster tried to call him out. “I’m into anime that hasn’t even been drawn yet”

Maude Garret used to work for Sourcefed and a couple of other nerd type youtube channels. She’s a geek.

Did you notice the triforce tattoo on her finger? Apparently all a pretty woman has to do to get me thinking about marriage is play Stardew Valley and have a triforce tat. I am so very simple.

Eh, to me he had a Magneto vibe. He has a reasonably beef, but an unreasonable solution.

We can all assume that it’s right after Civil War, but true to comic fashion, the exact detailing of time and events is purposely left out so that it doesn’t hinder the story telling elements. I remember reading the giant X-men crossovers of the Mutant Massacre, and Inferno, but the timelines were so abhorrent it