
Under normal circumstances, I’d be incredibly bummed about this (I came a little late to the party, having started with Yakuza 3), but I’ve got enough stuff on my plate for February and March that this delay is actually somewhat helpful.

...hell, I’ll be done grading everything but advanced Rhet/Comp final papers by


That may be true for large cities. I only have one theatre in the city I live in. I’m as loyal as can be to that theatre haha.

“backlog paralysis”

This fits me to a T. I love games, I have a 100 game backlog. I love reading about games, I love the technology. I think the time suck that would be required holds me back from the real long good games and makes me stick with the pick up and play games on my Switch. I have a ton of great games on my Switch and PS4

Same here. I was hooked on Destiny and missed a lot of games the last few years. I’ve been buying tons of those games on sale on the PlayStation store for like the past 8 months.

This is me with the Witcher series. I wanted to play the previous games first, and I love Dragon Age Origins so much that I was sure I could do the original Witcher game graphics but then stuff happened at the beginning that I hated and I just never went back, so i’ve also not ever played the newest game. *sigh*

There are many great works of fiction about race, gender, sexuality, religion, politics and ideology. Sci Fi writers like Octavia Butler, Ursula Le Guin, Neal Stephenson and Robert Heinlein or comic book writers like Grant Morrison, Christopher Priest, Alan Moore, and Garth Ennis are just a few examples of writers who

“Build your own damn peripherals.” - Nintendo

People tend to react with “last meal bias,” meaning they associate the illness with the most recent meal they’ve eaten.

This is the happiest moment in the history of any 60 person pop and lock dance crew

I enjoy the Ringer but it’s not nearly as good as Grantland was. Less long form pieces and he lost a lot of his best writers (Wesley Morris and Jonah Kerri for instance)

That’s what I was thinking, I assume there was something with the original releases of these games limiting to Sony consoles and PC (even FF7 was released on PC back in the day) that, for either practical or legal reasons, continued through to the HD remakes. That changed with FFXIII and beyond also released on Xbox.

I have no definite information one way or the other on this, but as a lawyer, I would not be surprised. There’s a rule against things being “in perpetuity” so these things generally have an eventual end date, but a restrictive licensing or publishing agreement could easily cover releases and remasters years later.

There’s also that feeling of,

I thought I’d never beat the High Dragun but now I only need to kill the past of one more, secret, character ;)

I was happily surprised to see TMS#FE listed at all. I’d love to see a port and/or a sequel. Though I feel both are unlikely.

One of the less-noted displarities between the wealthy and the poor is that wealthy people are much more likely to have human beings make decisions that affect them. Cathy O’Neil’s “Weapons of Math Destruction” is an interesting look at the ways that algorithms can institutionalize existing inequality.

Almost worth watching and going back to see her reactions to Nico and Alex and compare them to Gert’s reactions to Karol and Chase. Obviously it’s been a big thing since the beginning that Gert likes Chase, so it has been more apparent, but maybe there has been those types of reactions from Karol.

Sushi is huge in Brazil. I think Sao Paulo has one of the largest Japanese communities outside of Japan.