
Churrascaria Plataforma on West 49th St. I haven’t been there in years, but last time I did they had a huge sushi selection.

very worth it. especially since it’s relatively cheap.

You got MLB players from all over South America ... (5/17 starters in the All-Star game were from South America) 

Portability is one hell of a drug

X8 is actually supposed to be quite good. At least on par with x4-5. it largely ditches the 3d elements of 7 and keeps axle from taking over the story. Unfortunately, it was super rare with copies on ebay going for 250 bucks.

X6 and X7 are terrible. X8 is actually pretty decent.

That last one is really something.

“... exceedingly common...” Hahahahaaa... idk why that gets to my core... can’t stop...

I laughed at this for a minute straight.

Then I shared it with my co-workers.
Now I’m in the process of getting fired as I write this... still laughing.

Why am I not surprised it’s Hufflepuff?

As someone that got sorted into Hufflepuff I have to say

Before the new pricing model they had a clause in their terms of service stating that if you cancelled service then you would not be able sign up again for 9 months. Maybe there were more people like you out there.

Why should that matter? Regardless of being in early access, it’s still one of the most popular and influential titles of the year.

Agree. In many ways I loved it the most. And would gladly play a remake.

Every time I fire it up Im just like, ugh. Its such a great game though it just hasnt aged well, especially when compared to the magic that The Witcher 3 is.

Absolutely agree. The first one has not aged well in any way, and it’s janky as all hell. But there’s just something incredibly charming about it, and I love it to death.

I picked up Witcher 1 and put a lot of time into it. But it’s just... a rough play.

I started to play The Witcher 2 a few years ago and the only thing preventing me from playing The Witcher was its jankiness, which made me skip right to Witcher2. If it was remade I would buy it in a heartbeat.

Yup, yup, and yup...