
If they did get an actual complaint and they did nothing about it and then the sexual harassment is proven in a court of law then yes, they would likely face a lawsuit with a high chance of success under sexual harassment laws that require companies to record such complaints. Proving all that is difficult though and

Reputationally, yes; legally, no. It is not a crime (or civil wrong) to mislead the public. Firing someone for filing a sexual harassment claim, however, could get them into a whole lot of hot water. If he files a lawsuit, discovery would show whether there are any paper records; even without paper records, however,

It also could be that they got the complain but never put it on paper, so yes they still could be telling the truth about not having any hard fact evidences.

Well unfortunate from the way the statement is worded, he made the report verbally over a phone call. So a papertrail will only exist if the HR person who ended the call (hung up) created it.

Watch out for Stardew, Smartazjboy. It’s a phenomenal game, but on the Switch you will never have to be without it. It’s going to take a LOT of will power to put it down or not pick it up when you get to year 2. It’s been my favorite experience on the Switch since Zelda, but as a young professional I have gone to work

You can push it further. Both IH, CA:tFA and DS have the heroes fighting enemies with the same powerset (Abomination, Red Skull, Kaecillius and his followers).

I am stupidly excited for this movie but, yes, I’m feeling this, too. And it’s not just those three. Abomination was Hulk with a few spikes, Kaecilius and Doctor Strange were basically the same science-person-becomes-sorcerer archetype (though the Dormammu ending mercifully spared us a boring magic v. magic fight).

It actually make sense in this film because Killmonger wants to be king and the king gets the suit.

Even kind of Winter Soldier since they randomly gave Bucky the super soldier serum despite him being nonpowered (save for his arm) in the comics.

Can we all just openly agree that Stormblood (XIV.4) is basically shaping up to be a giant Love Letter to all the FF 90s kids???
- Omega/Deltascape is (atm) FFV
- Legend Returns is FFT/XII
— Hell in the Scholar Story (allegedly) you meet an Elementalist or Geomancer :O

Its just so damn good!
Plus as a kicker Zenos was a

FWIW, Tessa Thompson indeed is not a one-and-done for Ragnarok; IIRC, she’s confirmed to return as Valkyrie for Infinity War.

> Knowing a twist before going in is so much more fun than not.

I also am Vietnamese but born and raised in the US and I love durian. I don’t find the smell or taste offensive but I can *see* what people are talking about. Similarly, I can admit that coffee can taste bitter and gross to someone who doesn’t drink it. Anyway, I think there may be something genetic about it or at

If you’re talking about the nilfgaardian who is sitting inside of Emhyr’s castle, you’re supposed to get whooped by him, he gives you a very good card once you’ve created a powerful deck and beat him...

You maybe on to something there, both I and my wife were born and raised in Asia until we were in our 20's, . . . college, work, married, yada, yada. We got 2 girls, born and raised in Western New York. We introduced Durian to them when they were teenagers, enough to have their own thoughts [on Durians] for the first

Good for J.T. It’s about time some right wingers started protesting.

Welcome to the joys of (trying to be)ing a first-time homeowner!

Enh, you could do that with anything to anything, once you have enough source material and total editorial control. I assume you’ve seen Game of Thrones as a lighthearted buddy sitcom or The Shining as a heartwarming family comedy.

I find I’ve been running 50/50 for the most part, and it’s opened up gaming time that I didn’t really have before.

My concern with gaming is that we’re seeing the line between consoles and PC’s blur dramatically. Exclusive titles are starting to become less of a reality due to development costs, and I have a feeling we’re going to have a problem with digital rights in the near(er) future.