
Randomly watched the movie a few weeks ago and loved it, then immediately binged the show and really enjoyed it. I can’t quite put my finger on why but I didn’t love it quite as much as the movie, but it still was super fun and enjoyable and had some hilarious moments (loved the tablet scene, guest starring Jon

Yep, whenever I play with friends who don’t really game, and ESPECIALLY when it’s games that use a single Joy-con, I get a ton of accidental screenshots from them haha.

I think it depends on how many microtransactions it has and how much work it’d require to localize; i.e. is it going to bring in enough profit to justify the costs? I’ve never played Pokemon Go so I dunno how exactly it makes all its money, but we’ve gotten localizations of something like Fate Grand Order which isn’t

“Maybe I’ve gone a bit far, but look at the positive side: This will help him clean his teeth,” Red said in the video. “I think he hasn’t cleaned them since he became poor.”

Was that the Netflix movie with Ali Wong? 

Yeah it’s understandable that they didn’t see that story, I’m on the internet way too fucking much and I’ve never heard of it...still doesn’t excuse the idiocy of eating a fucking slug though 

I’ve only had frozen versions of it but even then I really enjoyed it, I just love Sicilian-style slices and foccacia so Detroit-style pan pizzas are in my wheelhouse 

Awesome, thanks for the input! 

How’s it compare to the Harry Potter area in Universal Studios? I’m biased because I just LOVE Disneyland, but I was pretty unimpressed with Wizarding World. I don’t really have any outsized love for Star Wars, and I’d probably consider myself more a Harry Potter fan than a Star Wars fan, but I still feel like

I don’t think GRRM will change it, because to me the outcry about the choice is solely because show Bran is weird as fuck and never had a great story in the show (despite what Tyrion tried to tell us).  

Eh I just think the show in general never really interacted with the “fantasy” elements of the story that much outside of the dragons. I don’t think his acting skills are bad enough to have the writers completely neuter that storyline yet still attempt to kind of do it

This may be an absolutely stupid question but I have no idea how any of this works...but isn’t this like a weird condition? So two carriers are merging into one carrier, and now they might have to...create another carrier in order to merge? Why merge then? And doesn’t the idea of having 4 carriers rather than 3 become

As TechCrunch noted, a standards guide sent to drivers in 2014 said that if a driver’s rating dipped below 4.6, Uber would consider kicking them off the platform.

Dunno why but I laughed at the last question being about cigarettes. 

Reddit seems to be pretty against the new changes. I don’t really play healers so I can’t claim to know the intricacies of the changes but even from my vantage point the changes don’t look great 

Nice to see that my 2 main classes, BLM and RDM, didn’t get any bad changes. REALLY interested in DNC, seems pretty interesting and it’s said to be kind of RDM-esque in that it’s easy to pick up and play, might just be my first non-caster that I use a lot at max level.

I mean...Game of Thrones was able to be successful despite people knowing the twists for like the first 5 seasons. 

It’s why I do separate playlists! I kind of have a generic “Soundtracks” playlist where a lot of video game music goes so never have to fear shuffle fails when listening to my “main” playlist

It’s actually kinda crazy that we’re all conditioned to be OK with basically eating dessert for breakfast but “dinner” type hearty foods are absolutely off-limits

How Does a Chimpanzee Eat a Tortoise? By Smashing It Like a Coconut