
You could play the vastly superior MK8 Deluxe on Switch or Mario Kart 7 on 3DS, both wherever you like..rendering this mobile Mario Kart moot.

Agree, very surprised it already seems to be widespread. I’m all for conservation efforts, but a hot chicken with a bunch of juice doesn’t quite seem like a good fit for a plastic bag 

Maybe it wouldn’t be great to saddle her with all these male co-stars and basically have her take over Cap’s storylines, but before watching Endgame and seeing what happens to BW, I actually feel like THIS storyline would’ve been great for her solo-movie, as opposed to it being a prequel (which feels maybe even less

Did the first encounter yesterday and it was actually somewhat hard somehow lol. I wanna  say it’s because I’ve only been doing Dungeon Run and I got used to the decks there, but more realistically it’s because I suck at Hearthstone hahaha

I don’t really read that as him propping it up as an either-or proposition, I think it’s clear he wants both. If a restaurant owner said “we’re known for our steak, but I’d also like us to be known for our seafood,” that’s not an either-or proposition.

I guess their thinking is that having a bunch of different types of items can slow things down, which I can kinda see. If they have 12 totally different types of things, and an order has like 3 of those things, it may just take longer because they all have separate processes that don’t quite work in parallel. But, if

Reeves has some pretty good movies under his belt, he’s not a nobody.

Considering his recent post-Twilight career, maaaaybe this is like a Heath Ledger-esque casting?

Oh huge fan of the aesthetic! And awesome, looks like I’ll have to pick up a copy then! Doesn’t seem too pricey on Amazon but not sure if those are in good condition, especially since I think it’s a paperback 

Great read! It’s a damn shame that Prima closed down, but I agree that today’s modern AAA games just kinda make it hard to write physical guides for. I LOVE having a physical book I can pull out that has a ton of information, pretty art and maps, and informative tables, but as games get bigger and bigger and get more

How is it? I’ve had a copy of the game in my backlog for a while and never even thought to check if it had a strategy guide, but now knowing it has one I kinda wanna get it! 

Yep definitely agree it can go both ways. The first Witcher game? Hell, even when it was newly released it was weird and felt a little old, but NOW? After The Witcher 3 is already out? It’d be almost impossible to play TW1 and not put it down immediately because it feels so janky.

As a fellow casual Star Wars fan I mostly agree with this piece, though “Skywalkers’ overwhelming dominance in Star Wars media is one of the franchise’s more glaring drawbacks” isn’t necessarily an issue with me. I don’t inherently have an issue with the Skywalkers, but TLJ clearly wanted to pivot away from them, so

Also, on a slight tangent, doing a raid inside DCA would be a lotta fun haha, even though I’ve spent way too much time there already in real life

Not putting Hearthstone on Switch is just...weird. Is it like a patch issue, where they don’t want to have to wait for Nintendo patch certification or something? Hearthstone definitely seems like it’d run on the Switch OK

I don’t play the game; are people asking JUST for matchmaking, or are they asking for matchmaking AND a difficulty level that’s appropriate for random groups?

It’s absolutely the hinge haha, it almost makes it feel...unsafe? Like it’d just snap off easily if you mishandle it. Obviously I don’t think it’s that fragile, but it kinda looks like it is

Asian noodle week?! That definitely means pho at some point!

While it had a similar decision to split its final season into two parts (which is somewhat what GoT did), it absolutely ended on an insanely strong note. Its 3rd-to-last episode is considered almost one of the best episodes of TV