
Things people would care about: Is there a way to make these devices the same quality but cheaper? What’s the transition between a phone and a tablet? A tablet and a laptop? Also, geezus, can they have a more durable form factor? And one that doesn’t have that ugly-ass insect eye on the back?

You missed the sentence before which is the heart of what I was getting at: it combines a phone...and a tablet. That’s the main point, not that it’s just two different devices: it’s devices that are VERY similar. They run the same OS, largely have the same apps, etc. That’s not innovative. 

This is partly due to the fact that, for most people, smartphones are about as good as they’re going to get.

A different podcast discussing the episode put it best: the show feels like a Wikipedia entry of itself right now.

A podcast discussing the episode put it best: the show feels like a Wikipedia entry of itself right now.

That’s the point that I was trying to make, not that “Immigrants can’t be racist!” but that the reaction seems somewhat...weird/harsh directed at someone who normally people might say also get a lot of vitriol directed their way because of the color of their skin 

On a tangent, but I’ve probably never heard of this movie (or maybe never remembered it) until a Game of Thrones podcast last night and I looked it up, and now I read another comment referencing that movie hahaha 

As someone who takes the DC Metro for work, this is kind of a weird mess.

This episode had a bunch of great scenes that internally made sense and were great but overall the path leading up to this doesn’t totally work that well. But, I will say, in relation to BotB and The Long Night, this episode’s spectacle that almost hit the peaks of how thrilled I felt when watching Hardhome. While I

“Make sure to thank your fathers and mothers....fuck....”

MAJOR Leftovers vibes which I’m digging.

Now someone needs to get Chick-fil-A to start releasing their spicy variants too, was bummed when they got rid of the spicy chicken biscuit and when they decided the spicy strips were only for test markets 

I’m surprised it’s NOW a huge deal. I’m a new cook and wouldn’t have been able to tell you one way or another if you should wash chicken or not, but when I started learning I already saw at that point articles saying you shouldn’t and pointing to government sources, and thought that was the extent of the controversy

And I really don’t think they thought through all the ramifications of having 4 billion people return unaged after 5 years would do to the world. Hell, losing them in the first place would have been catastrophic. It really wouldn’t be an approximation of our world “only with superheroes” any longer which is basically

Yeah, that scene was WEIRD. Dany and Tyrion are acting as if they have some kind of leverage, but Cersei EASILY could have just ended it right there. There were like, what, 30 Unsullied? And a dragon? They already killed one dragon when there were two of them, I think they have a good chance of killing the last one 

Live look at Tim

No idea how the economics of that might work but very, very cool idea

Honestly, the fact that it has such a high rating on Rotten Tomatoes fucking ASTOUNDS me. You’re completely right, if you thought Infinity War was impenetrable, Endgame will laugh in your face.

Definitely a strange color! But on Google Images there are a few that have char on them which definitely makes it look more appetizing

Rafi going “thanks for letting me go in without a condom, that was classy, I feel like you milked me” is golden