
Damn this dude seems like a HUGE MCU fan hahaha, but his experience sounds awesome. Can’t imagine I’d be that composed if I was in his shoes 

Yep like an hour into the game they give you that option 

And that feature isn’t even in the Switch/XBox One version, which they JUST released a few weeks ago.

And on the totally normal fourth hand, if they are using my mess to sell fries, then why make it a jab at McDonald’s?

No joke, the number of JRPGs I’ve started and put a good amount of time into (and maybe even gotten pretty close to beating) almost definitely dwarfs the number of JRPGs I’ve actually beaten. I’m like a kid in a candy shop, I want EVERYTHING and try everything and move on to the next shiny thing so fast.

Maybe this really shows my ignorance when it comes to how fast food places prepare their food, and how the Impossible Burger itself is prepared, but when I heard about this I kind of was on board because it seems like a fast food place handling the Impossible “meat” is less dicey than them handling real meat.

I think him popping up from the time machine is a bit too different from the bench, emotionally. I do think maybe they could’ve done a better job of indicating that some time travel/reality hopping DID occur, though. I think Hulk has a line about “his time signature is flying past me” or something and that might be

It is absolutely INSANE that people are getting hung up on the fucking bench. The leaps in logic and credulity you’d have to make for the “Cap goes back to the past in the prime universe” idea FAR outweigh the weirdness of him not arriving back on the bench.

I’d LOVE if the next phone had both FaceID and TouchID. I loved TouchID so wasn’t super jazzed about moving to FaceID, but for the most part I do like it. It’s just that when FaceID fails, it’s super annoying, moreso when TouchID fails IMO. Having TouchID as an alternative for the situations where FaceID might fail

It’s a freaking mess so the best thing you can do is simply not to think of it at all. Just be happy Cap got a happy ending and move on.

There’s still a difference between playing a board game and playing DnD, and not every group has someone who wants to DM which is a major factor in DnD

Still, I would be very interested to see a Taika Waititi’s directed film where Jane Foster becomes Thor, perhaps picking up an alternate dimension’s Mjolnir.

I was more OK with the screenshots than most people but it absolutely looks weird as fuck in motion, ESPECIALLY his weird face/mouth/teeth

Reading the headline I was like “nuh uh! Cersei’s done a bunch of stupid shit!” but the article itself is completely spot on. It’s HILARIOUS (and maybe even...intentional?! Doubt it but...) that so many characters on the show were like “NOTHING matters except the great war” and the show is actually “well no Cersei and

It’s the non-fighting game stuff that makes the port not as good as it could be. Actually fighting in game? Yeah it looks worse, but it runs at 60 FPS and concerns about graphics mostly go away.

Well, because it’s more of an issue specifically with a portable console.

OK, so check this. Steve goes back in time, marries Peggy, lives his life and has a perfect time with her an an alternate reality, then uses the GPS shortly after her death to return to his home reality to pass along a new shield to Sam.

Yeah definitely, Odin really made it a point to talk about the place, and it looks visually similar. Simplest answer is that’s where New Asgard is 

It’s less catchy than, I don’t know, putting a chainsaw on a gun

Also it seems like airlines are such a big customer base for these that you’d think a custom, non-camera variation would be a relatively good idea to make?