
“Captain Marvel credits scene, then the Avengers tell her that Tony’s out there, and her finding him at the start of Endgame” is the definite order of things. People on the subreddit were confused and thinking the Captain Marvel credits scene must not have been canon or something which is weird, since it’s pretty

I don’t think GoT is purely about doing what’s unexpected. As in, I don’t think the crux of the show is asking “hey, what do people expect? Then let’s do the opposite of that.” It’s more about realistically having consequences, which to be fair, for a lot of the show WAS unexpected...because normal fantasy and normal

Haha that timing makes sense, thanks for the info! 

they actually combined to remind everyone that this is the thing we’re all in this for—the ridiculously amazing.

Agree, my complain last week was “ugh this is boring, they’re clearly just spinning their wheels getting set up for a big battle,” but the issue wasn’t that it was table setting, the issue was that they didn’t do it that well. THIS episode is how you do it. 

Agreed. I was mostly on Rob’s side last week that the premiere made some strange choices and was kinda meh, but he’s a bit too dismissive of a lot of scenes this week. I can kinda agree with the Grey Worm/Missandei part, but the Davos and Brienne scenes absolutely worked 

The kicker for me (besides the price obviously) is just how goofy it looks when it’s folded and you’re using the front screen. It’s like using a TV remote but only the middle of it, since the thing is so tall 

Mostly agree that it was kinda underwhelming, though I do think the conversation between Sam and Jon worked for me.

It’ll probably shorten to like “Rise” I bet 

Never actually had a potato roll, just may need to try it out one of these days.

Those are the eggs? Goddamn that’s kinda depressing 

I’m baffled that USC is ~such~ a feather in a parent’s cap. Yeah, it’s a good school but am I undervaluing it?

First time I built a PC I was so nervous, looked up a ton of guides and videos and went super slowly and thought I did everything correctly and...nothing. After asking around online it seemed like maybe an issue with the power supply so the next day I go out and get a new one, hoping to god it’s a power supply issue

I honestly don’t think it’s that big of an issue. Hell, in Infinity War we already have Bruce finding the cell phone Stark used to call Cap, amidst all the rubble. It might be a little bit of a contrivance but I don’t think it’s a major one

I really do wish they updated to the new Pro look, but yeah, there’s just something about the Mini that makes it feel like the exact right size I want out of a tablet. Though I bought my iPad Mini 4 so long ago that seeing the $400 for the new iPad Mini seemed really expensive, but then I realize that that’s how much

Maybe it’s because I’ve never used a VR headset so I don’t really know the details of how it works, but it’s not like BotW is VR in the way people usually think of VR, right? It still looks like you’re playing BotW in 3rd person even with the headset, it kinda looks like VR mode just means you can do some camera

I don’t really care one way or another, but overall I do think it’s kinda....strange? IMO a 3% hike in prices seems small enough that people might not even notice (that $20 plate of pasta now costs $20.60, I certainly wouldn’t notice something like that)

AZERTY kinda sounds like a gibberish word that you could say in a mock French accent and it’d sound like a real French word

Is it weird to say that I’m way more interested in these than I’ve ever been interested in smartwatches?