
As a new transplant to DC, wonder how accurate it is (despite it being war-torn), might be fun to explore if I can recognize stuff haha. Apparently Watch Dogs 2 has a pretty good recreation of the Bay Area where I used to live, but I never got around to playing it to see if I could recognize stuff 

While I’m not deep into the Vita fandom as I was with the PSP back in the day, one bright spot does seem to be the Vita Hacking forums, like the Vita hacking subreddit. Those definitely still seem to be active, and while piracy does play a role, just the fact that there’s so many different emulators makes the

I’d say except the first Iron Man

I’ve played about five hours of Baba Is You and have unlocked three of its worlds. The map suggests there are at least 13

Thancred basically slapping the lion with his gunblade after loading it will always be fucking awesome 

While I think the article maybe goes a little too far in rejecting the value of people making those changes (maybe the material impact of people making dietary/commute/energy consumption changes isn’t big, but there’s still value there), I agree with the sentiment of: don’t let people argue about perfection in bad

Mostly agree that it really did feel like it would’ve been better had it been released in like 2011, but I did enjoy it more than something like Doctor Strange. At this stage in the MCU origin stories just kind of feel a bit old, and I do think most of the faults of the movie are due to the fact that it was an origin

1) BBQ Lays
2) Fritos
3) Lays
4) Doritos Cool Ranch
5) Cheetos
6) Nacho Doritos

Oh yeah I’m sure they absolutely make a ton of money from selling them (they definitely got my money) 

So tasty! 

(They’re free if you pre-order the Galaxy S10 and 10+ as well as the Galaxy Fold.)

While a fair point, I didn’t solely focus on the use of the word “trashy” in my post but the overall sentiment of the idea of a guilty pleasure and saying something is “so bad it’s good”

Honestly, I’ll take it one step further: stop calling bad things you like “trash” and just like own the fact that you think it’s good, especially if it’s something that’s universally considered “so bad it’s good.”

It’s crazy that that’s their ONLY meal of the day! 

The little bouncy man is Teddie from the game Persona 4!

I didn’t say hard, I said absurd. And since you’re talking about having stars filled with a hundred thumbs up...yeah, seems I was right, because that’s kind of visually absurd.

I mean a house painted in beige, and a house painted in polka dots and neon, are fundamentally the same thing: the structure’s the same, the material the house is made of is the same, the size is the same, etc. Painting a house differently is literally just a visual/aesthetic change, not a fundamental change to the

Hopefully my post didn’t come off as too mean, and I definitely don’t wanna be an armchair journalist telling you how to write your articles. You definitely did a deep dive into the economics of the kiosks on the supermarkets’ side and in relation to employees, so it would’ve been interesting if you had included any

They’ve started introducing those handheld scanner things at some stores near me but I haven’t tried them yet, may have to check them out and see how well I like em 

Still mad they took the spicy chicken biscuit off the menu, and I’m waiting for them to release the spicy strips everywhere!