
Sometimes the tech just doesn’t work and turns what should be a quick transaction into a frustratingly long one.

I think the parts of the article about the economics behind it were pretty interesting, and it’s probably worthwhile to see how it’s implemented in relation to cutting jobs or whatnot, but yeah having part of the article hinge on “I can never get them to work right” was probably the wrong move. 

Sure it’s a different coat of paint, but a pretty weird coat of paint. If someone painted their house in polka dots and neon tie dye, sure it’s not as weird as someone building their house shaped like an elephant, but it’s still a weird-looking house. 

How are the buttons themselves? I got the GameVice ones because I wanted my phone to be kind of like a Switch, but the buttons aren’t great (even ignoring that it doesn’t have L3/R3), they’re kind of stiff and not super responsive. The ones you posted kind of makes it like a DS/3DS clamshell type setup, but I’m OK

I’m a fan of the GameVice Mifi controllers, if anyone’s looking for them, but they were obscenely expensive when I bought them a few years ago and Apple JUST started adding buttons like L3/R3 to Mifi controllers and I don’t think the GameVice ones have them yet.

There are fewer better poster children for shitty automation than self-checkout. I have literally never, as in not one single time, successfully completed a checkout at a self-service station in a grocery store without having to call a human employee over. And it’s not because I’m an idiot. Or not entirely, anyway.

His rating system ranges from 100 to 1,000 thumbs up

I don’t even really think about Gendry all that much or have any affection towards him but that shot was fucking hype 

The first time I watched CA:TFA, before the first Avengers, I was pretty meh on it, but rewatching it after The Winter Soldier it definitely is actually pretty damn solid, so agree with you there that it’s definitely better than Thor and Dr. Strange. 

All that being said, Captain Marvel still doesn’t solve the origin story issue that has plagued every superhero film thus far, whether they be from the DCEU or Marvel. There are several lulls, especially in the first act.

the post was originally put up a to start a conversation

So some people’s incompetence fits the show, but other character’s incompetence...doesn’t? Hitchcock and Scully don’t seem to show any desire to be good cops, and you really don’t know why they’re there. If anything, I’d imagine they’d make Rosa and Holt MORE annoyed than having Gina be incompetent. 

I dunno how you can say all that about Gina and not about Hitchcock and Scully. If anything, their incompetence should be a bigger issue than Gina’s 

There’s very clearly a middle ground between “phones should be paper thin” and “let’s make phones as thick as possible.” This thing is fucking 18mm (my Nintendo 3DS, when CLOSED, is 20mm thick; my laptop, when closed, is 18mm), and it doesn’t even have a headphone jack

There’s a video released 

It’s not like the train was 4 hours late, they were stranded due to a snowstorm and stuck on the train for over 36 hours

Yeah, when I initially read his apology I naively thought “ok maybe he really did just get in over his head and it was an honest mistake” but looking at his actual comments in the AMA....nope lol, pretty clearly knew what he was doing 

It might be both, the picture at the top (which seems to be official) does have a ton of sauce visible 

The US Spicy McChicken didn’t use a spicy sauce, right? It was more like Chick-Fil-A where the breaded chicken itself was spicy? I kinda prefer that to these sandwiches which seem to be just “McChickens with spicier sauces” 

Some Los Angeles-bound college students have “panicked” because their professors won’t accept their excuse for missing class, Dodson said.