
Maybe it’s because I don’t watch Agents of Shield, but I don’t quite get the skepticism. A couple of the slated shows are literally about MCU characters and have the actors from the movies. Sure, maybe AoS isn’t quite as integrated as we would’ve liked, but has anything about it actually been non-canon? 

Maybe there’s a reason the thing is proportioned the way it is but I just can’t get over how weird the front screen when folded looks. It’s long and slim like a TV remote and the screen is super small in the middle of it? It just looks...weird.

The folding and the big screen is actually cool...but what is going on with that front screen? 

Yeah I was 99% sure the story was gonna be some drunk dude writing gibberish on a tip line...but nope, he paid cash?!

As someone who loves absolute trash fast food (big fan of BK’s chicken fries, but not much else from BK lol) the idea of a burger fry sounds straight up disgusting lol 

Just a heads up but the full version of Puyo Puyo Tetris has just normal Tetris modes without Puyo Puyo, if you wanted to play single player Tetris at any point

At least for me (as a person not in a family) the main concern with that much cereal is you get might get bored of it as opposed to it going bad 

Nope, I thought the exact same thing. From a cursory Google it seems pink slime was kinda involved in McNuggets but it wasn’t the actual meat? 

A good number of them (maybe all of them?) have iPad/iPhone ports for sure and I’m assuming Android ones too

Just to nitpick but it’s recently just been Smash that haven’t had great patch notes; their Splatoon2 patch notes (and I think Arms?) have been super detailed with lotsa numbers 

Yep. I (maybe naively) can’t actually imagine Google doing that, but if they wanted to, this article kinda shows how easily they would be able to just affect EVERYTHING haha

The progression of “non-violent exploration game into a coop multiplayer alien shooter “ vaguely reminds me of Overwatch coming out of Titan; IIRC, a lot of what we knew about Titan was about its noncombat stuff and how ambitious all the noncombat stuff was going to be.

Probably famous last words here, but privacy and tracking have never been hugely concerning for me when it comes to Google. Like I know it’s happening, I just never quite developed concern or fear over it. But, reading this article, it actually IS kinda chilling just how widespread and impactful Google is just to the

Damn it’s really surprising that it’s good, which is really weird to say. Loved the first one, and even loved Lego Batman! Should’ve had more confidence in this one, glad to see that it still turned out great

Yeah I think you have it right; it’s WAY easier to do it with flights, when every single passenger is literally right there. Would be a lot harder to coordinate with preorders: you now have to call people, deal with them not picking up, maybe leaving messages, coordinating however to compensate them, and then possibly

Saying “it’s not made for you” is kind of absurd, really.

Has anyone seen a review from someone who thought KH1 and 2 kind of sucked?

As a Sharks fan attending my first away game ever this was absolutely the best hockey game I’ve ever seen in person

Since we didn’t get Chick-Fil-A near me til recently, I’ve always been used to my college’s waffle fries which were super crispy and seasoned like Jack in the Box curly fries, so I’ve always been pretty meh on CFA’s waffle fries. They’re not quite crispy and pretty bland IMO

I haven’t seen ANYTHING at all about DLC, so seems to be safe to get earlier